Thats what we all call it because its useless they should of called it the Admiral Biden or Pelosi .
You had no clue the Russian carrier was obsolete or even how many they have dumb ass. And if carriers are so easy to hit why has no one hit ours dumb ass.
Air craft carriers will not be obsolete for decades as they all us to extend our military power any where in the world and your to ignorant to comprehend why this is important.
We have 11 full sized carriers and some smaller one for special aircraft such as helos . Your ignorance about their capabilities is not unseal as your a liberal with a phd and have little common sense or comprehension of reality.
Here is just a bit of what they are all about. Tell me do you have any military experience ? Any weapons training any common sense courses?
They are game changers with a battle group they are not there for the ship dumb ass but the air group .
They carry 70 to 80 of the most modern aircraft in the world and some of the most advanced fighter planes in the world only beat by our own f22 raptor.
Did you know that 80% of countries out there would have their hands full trying to take down an aircraft carrier battle group? How Powerful is the Aircraft
There is no carrier named Admiral Kutsitsnutsoff. lol coret ***** its a joke cut its nuts off as it is constantly broke down hand would have to be towed into battle the Chinese are building aircraft carriers and want more and India has acquired on from Russia but its junk like the Kutsitsnutsoff.
We have 11 carrier groups do you have any clue how much military power that carries with it .