Iran is scared now that they really know what the IDF can do.

I think that now Israel is scared of Iran now because of what Iran can do.
They seem to be pissed off because of the assassinations. I bet if Iran assassinated Netanyahu, Israel would be pissed off as well.
Of course the tribal barbarians are driven into mad war dance frenzy because Israel assassinated the entire leadership of Hezbollah on one day.
Unlike Trump who has NEVER been photographed in ANY church ceremony of any kind.

Mark thinks he can call people "godless" when he has never had a conversation with God and has no clue what anyone believes.
Trump has said that he has never done anything that he needs to be forgiven for.

Once he said he was an atheist and that was a business advantage for him because that way he didn't have to worry about morality.
Baby killing perverted chile sex promoters have no room with which to critize Trump's church attendance.