In spite of the usual electioneering dishonesty Harris and Walz are committed to unrestricted abortions up to and after birth

These people don't give a flip about babies and are determined to allow the executions of all babies the parents do not want for whatever reason. 9-12-24

New Commercial Exposes How Kamala Harris and Tim Walz Support Infanticide
These people don't give a flip about babies and are determined to allow the executions of all babies the parents do not want for whatever reason. 9-12-24

New Commercial Exposes How Kamala Harris and Tim Walz Support Infanticide

These people don't give a flip about babies and are determined to allow the executions of all babies the parents do not want for whatever reason. 9-12-24

New Commercial Exposes How Kamala Harris and Tim Walz Support Infanticide

Not exactly. Here's what was said.
Removing requirement for babies born alive after botched abortions.
That is not infanticide.

The problem is backyard abortions produce botched abortions. Let women go to safe places to have them. But no. God said it's not right.
Not exactly. Here's what was said.
View attachment 16669
Removing requirement for babies born alive after botched abortions.
That is not infanticide.

The problem is backyard abortions produce botched abortions. Let women go to safe places to have them. But no. God said it's not right.
Harris and Walz have both supported the practice of leaving babies on the table to die if they are born alive and their mothers do not want them.
That's a complete lie and you cannot prove they support that. You are becoming more erratic by the day.
Harris voted against the bill to protect babies born alive.


There are 2 summaries for H.R.26.
Passed House (01/11/2023) Introduced in House (01/09/2023)

Bill summaries are authored by CRS.

Shown Here:​

Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act

This bill establishes requirements for the degree of care a health care practitioner must provide in the case of a child born alive following an abortion or attempted abortion.

Specifically, a health care practitioner who is present must (1) exercise the same degree of care as would reasonably be provided to any other child born alive at the same gestational age, and (2) ensure the child is immediately admitted to a hospital. Additionally, a health care practitioner or other employee who has knowledge of a failure to comply with the degree-of-care requirements must immediately report such failure to law enforcement.

A health care practitioner who fails to provide the required degree of care, or a health care practitioner or other employee who fails to report such failure, is subject to criminal penalties—a fine, up to five years in prison, or both.

An individual who intentionally kills or attempts to kill a child born alive is subject to prosecution for murder.

The bill bars the criminal prosecution of a mother of a ch
Harris voted against the bill to protect babies born alive.


There are 2 summaries for H.R.26.
Passed House (01/11/2023) Introduced in House (01/09/2023)

Bill summaries are authored by CRS.

Shown Here:​

Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act

This bill establishes requirements for the degree of care a health care practitioner must provide in the case of a child born alive following an abortion or attempted abortion.

Did you read that? How is she responsible for that?

Specifically, a health care practitioner who is present must (1) exercise the same degree of care as would reasonably be provided to any other child born alive at the same gestational age, and (2) ensure the child is immediately admitted to a hospital. Additionally, a health care practitioner or other employee who has knowledge of a failure to comply with the degree-of-care requirements must immediately report such failure to law enforcement.

If that were the case she would be in jail by now.
A health care practitioner who fails to provide the required degree of care, or a health care practitioner or other employee who fails to report such failure, is subject to criminal penalties—a fine, up to five years in prison, or both.

An individual who intentionally kills or attempts to kill a child born alive is subject to prosecution for murder.
There you go. How many times do I have to prove you wrong. Are you completely fucked in the head? What's wrong with you? Everyday you post bullshyt and get pinged. Can't you learn anything.

The bill bars the criminal prosecution of a mother of a ch
Did you read that? How is she responsible for that?

If that were the case she would be in jail by now.

There you go. How many times do I have to prove you wrong. Are you completely fucked in the head? What's wrong with you? Everyday you post bullshyt and get pinged. Can't you learn anything.
Yadayadayada... She opposed protections for babies born alive and you cannot cover up that fact for her.