IN Mexico, our Monuments shows government' corruption

UNEXPECTED END @epn @pridehoy= #PRI DE $IEMPRE @scjn @FelipeCaldeRON BRAGUETAS "+" @ACCIONNACIONAL @PRDMexico @GenaroGarciaL
The kidnapper Forence Cassez got a Diva’s reception


She’s gretted by the French Foreign Minister; she meets French president and enjoys a $tar treatment

By Mónica Delgado

January 25th., 2013

PARÍS.- Florence Cassez went from the Federal Police, chief, @GenaroGarciaL’s montage to the show of the french reception

The reception that awaited her at Roissy-Charles de Gaulle was similar to that offered to the highest dignitaries.

After getting out of the plne that took her from Mexico City, she was received by The French foreign Minister, Laurent Fabius.

She was then taken to the Hall of Honor of the air terminal, used for visiting heads of state and celebrities, where they put red carpet and lectured.gave a lecture.

"I dreamed with this aribal more than 10,000 times," said Cassez, sentenced in Mexico to 60 years in prison for kidnapping but released on Wednesday after a Court decision that found the TV montage armed by the @Fuerzasfederale ( Mexican Federal Police) on his capture vitiated the whole criminal process case against her

"" I am innocent and I see the resolution as an acquittal, as a declaration of innocence, " she said in the television interview. Nevertheless, the French citizen was not convicted or acquitted by the Mexican Court.

Those French media sent to Mexico accompanied her on the plane back, she was interviewed minutes before landing and caught his encounter with his brother Sébastien, who lived in Mexico, when she was arrested.

The tour of Cassez in Paris was marked by several interviews with broadcasters and their arrival at Hotel Bristol, one of the most luxurious in Paris, where she spent the night after attending a dinner organized by family and friends. Today she will meet with President François Hollande.
Those how said they knew how to manage #Mexico (@epn @pridehoy):



¡Qué pena si este camino fuera de muchísimas leguas
y siempre se repitieran
Los mismos pueblos, las mismas ventas,
Los mismos rebaños las mismas recuas!
¡Qué pena si esta vida tuviera
-esta vida nuestra-
Mil años de existencia!
¿Quién la haría llevadera?
¿Quién al soportaría toda sin protesta?
¿Quién lee diez siglos en la Historia y no la cierra
al ver las mismas cosas con distinta fecha?
Los mismos hombres, las mismas guerras,
Los mismos tiranos, las mismas cadenas
¡Y los mismos, los mismos poetas!
¡Qué pena que sea asi todo, siempre de la misma manera!