IN Mexico, our Monuments shows government' corruption

When the president wins an election race, cheating

Jorge Ramos Ávalos

(25 November 2012). - The problem for the new president of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto, is very simple: millions of Mexicans believe he won cheating. And the problem for the millions of Mexicans who are convinced that Peña Nieto won more votes in the last election because he did traps is that, like it or not, he will be president for six years. This is reality. What do we do now?

It is very hard to believe the Institutional Revolutionary Party, when they say they have changed and that they are no longer the dinosaurs they were before, because to win the last election they committed the same abuses that had characterized them during his long 71 years in power. They spent more than the other candidates, using television for years to get an unfair advantage- The state governments used state resources, tried to buy votes through payments and cards, pressured judges and officials to make a blind eye, and in the end, with all those cheating, they got more votes. If they did that when they didn’t had the presidency, can you imagine what they will do in 2018?

The cheating that had made Peña Nieto win the elections,oddly weren`t seen by the Electoral Court judges that stated as “unfounded alegations” or fraud and concluded that Mexico had free and fair Elections” They saw nothing. Or as a journalist friend told me: Yes indeed. Peña Nieto won with traps and was not ethical in the campaign , but nothing he did, was illegal” Pretty justice!.

Many have said that they will not recognize Peña Nieto as legitimate president. I respect those views. Do not blame them. They do not want an imposition. However, Peña Nieto will act as President, with band, and in the overnment house. "You have no legitimacy," they say. But any way he is just going to rule.

So with don’t have any options, but to denounce the traps, protest, make clear our position and let Peña Nieto to know at every opportunity that we do not accept the way he became President. Surely that won’t bother him. But he should know that hewill govern a divided, angry and a country in crisis.

OF course that Peña Nieto, won’t be the first president from the Intitutional Revolutionary Party who arrives to the government with a an electoral lack of legitimacy. Carlos Salinas de Gortari won with the greatest electoral fraud comitted in the history of Mexico, and even then, he was on power during the six years term. Same happened to Ernesto Zedillo, who won by Salinas’ finger pointing at him, and ruled also during six long years.

Anyway, Peña Nieto will rule from Los Pinos and no Mexican will have any interest that his president do it badly. Even those who voted against him

And even if it is unacceptable in a true democracy as deceitful as abusive as Peña Nieto won, Mexico can not afford to become paralyzed and wait until 2018. This is the President imposed on us and we must deal with it. That's what happens in a democracy as imperfect and as young as ours, just 12 years old.

We can not wait another six years to solve the problem of crime. What Mexican family has not been touched by violence or by the dreadful fear of not having a state that protects your life? We can not wait six years to create the millions of jobs the country needs only to give work to young people entering the workforce.

Reducing crime in a meaningful way and to create good jobs, those are the priorities. Peña Nieto hopefully can do something. I really hope he does well. But that does not remove the indignation and anger over an election in which the winner took advantage of a very flawed electoral system and that candidates were not equal. What do we do?

OUr society is much more independent, modern, strong and democratic before 2000. Peña Nieto will not be a Superpresident as in the seven decades of authoritarian PRI. So our job as journalists is to question Peña Nieto at all times and not let it lie. The political opposition will negotiate with the new government for the good of the country. The millions of Mexicans who voted for him will not succeed without waiting and expecting miracles presidential Peña Nieto govern for all and not just for your friends. And all will ensure that Mexico, in 2018, has no other president whose election is questioned.

This is what to do when the President wins by cheating.

The New York Times

La Estatua de un Líder Comunista de Azerbaijan es motivo de escándalo en La Ciudad de México

Una escultura de Heydar Aliyev, jefe del partido comunista que gobernó Azerbaijan, fue donada a la Ciudad de México, como un regalo. Los críticos del hecho lo han denunciado como fuera de lugar para una ciudad que está orgullosa de su herencia liberal.


Publicado por The New York Times el 13 de noviembre de 2012-11-16

Traducido por Rafael Norma Méndez

Ciudad de México – Cuando el alcalde inauguró durante este verano, un pequeño jardincito frente a una muy grande escultura al borde del Parque de Chapultepec, parecía un paso más en su afán de mejorar la calidad de vida en esta ciudad caótica e imposible.

Lástima que al alcalde mejor del mundo ( @M_Ebrard, por si alguien no lo sabe) no se le hubiera ocurrido verificar en, lo que le habría librado de lo que aconteció después.

Por hablador, el alcalde elogió el tema de la escultura –un completo extraño para la mayoría de los residentes de la Ciudad de México – como “ un gran líder político, todo un estadista."

La escultura retrata a Heydar Aliyev, quien gobernó Azerbaijan con mano dura después de su separación de la Unión Soviética . Un Miembro de la K.G.B. y jefe del Partido Comunista, que falleció en 2003. EL Sr. Aliyev se convirtió a si mismo en el centro del culto a su personalidad, con su imagen adornando villas a lo ancho y largo de su pequeño país.

La admiración se ha extendido desde que su hijo, Ilham Aliyev, H., llegó a la presidencia hace nueve años. Han aumentado sus estatuas en Rusia, Ucrania, Turquía, Egipto, Georgia, Rumania y Serbia, en homenaje al padre de la moderna Azerbaiyán.
Sin embargo, la versión en #Mexico es cuando menos, incómoda.

Durante el calvario del desgobierno del Sr Ebrard, esta ciudad ha aspirado a ser una capital progresista del Nuevo Mundo, por la legalización del aborto y aprobación del matrimonio homosexual. A menudo suena más como el alcalde de la capital escandinava, que de una megalópolis de América Latina, el Sr. Ebrard ha promovido programas de bicicletas compartidas y defendió los jardines urbanos y edificios construidos teniendo al medio ambiente en mente ( Sobre todo con sus segndos pisos) ☹

"Esta es una ciudad liberal, lo que es una ciudad que no tiene nada que ver con lo que se podría llamar una dictadura", dijo Ebrard en una entrevista. "Creemos en la democracia y los derechos humanos".

Pero la escultura - un regalo, junto con el jardín, de Azerbaiyán - ha puesto el alcalde en un aprieto. El Departamento de Estado ha señalado en repetidas ocasiones que Azerbaiyán tuvo un pobre historial de derechos humanos bajo el régimen del Sr. Aliyev, incluyendo graves abusos y la supresión de la democracia. Unas semanas después de su figura de bronce se materializó a lo largo del Paseo de la Reforma ( que proximamente se convertirá en un éjele vil) ☹ en la Ciudad de México Paseo de la Reforma, periodistas, locutores de radio y activistas de derechos humanos comenzaron a presionar para su eliminación.

En Ciudad de México, en nuestra principal avenida, el paseo de la Reforma, que son nuestros Campos Elíseos, hay estatuas de Gandhi, Churchill – y Aliyev ", dijo Denise Dresser, escritora y académica que se encuentra en comisión de ciudadanos que supervisa los proyectos para el Bosque de Chapultepec, que esel aprque central de México. (Gandhi es en realidad unos pocos cientos de espacios dentro del Bosque, en un lugar más contemplativo.)

Los funcionarios de gabinete del Sr. Ebrard se mordieron la lengua. Argumentaron que no era el rolde México juzgar a líderes de otros países. Eso desató una avalancha de comentarios en el que escritores expulsó a los nombres de los hombres fuertes indeseables que podría algún día encontrar un pedestal en las calles de la Ciudad de México bajo este razonamiento. (¡Pinochet! ¡Mubarak!)

El Sr. Ebrard buscó una manera de contener el daño que estaba empañando el final de su mandato. El alcalde, que ha manifestado sus ambiciones presidenciales para 2018, hará entrega de la ciudad durante el próximo mes a un sucesor de su propio partido de izquierda, cuya aplastante victoria este verano fue ampliamente visto como un voto de aprobación de su desgobierno como alcalde.
”Es un error, y que nosotros deberíamos haber evaluado que esto podría ser un problema", dijo Ebrard. "Desde que me dijeron: 'Este es el padre de la patria, como el cura Hidalgo, y Azerbaiyán inició relaciones con México en el 2004, está todo bien, somos parte de las Naciones Unidas, tenemos elecciones," no pensábamos que habría un problema.
El embajador de Azerbaiyán, Ilgar Mukhtarov, argumentó que no había hecho nada malo y culpó al viejo enemigo del país, Armenia, por el alboroto. Cuando propuso un parque de la amistad Ciudad de México-Azerbaiyán hace dos años, el gobierno de la ciudad no veía ninguna razón para objetar, ni siquiera a la estatua. De hecho, el gobierno de la ciudad propuso el sitio.
"Todo mundo lo sabía," dijo el Sr. Mukhtarov . Nosotros suscribimos todos los acuerdos”

Argumentando que Azerbaiyán es una democracia joven que lucha, continuó: "Detrás de todo este movimiento en México es el fuerte cabildeo Armenio: Dieron la opinión equivocada acerca de Heydar Aliyev.».”

Un proyecto de propuesta se deslizó por la Comisión ciudadana del Bosque cuando fue presentado por primera vez en julio de 2011. Pero luego los miembros comenzaron a hacer su propia investigación y advirtieron a finales del año pasado que la estatua pudiera causar un alboroto. La ciudad, con el argumento de que tenía un acuerdo con la embajada de Azerbaiyán, siguió adelante sin hacer el menor caso (como siempre).
“Creo que pensaron que estabamos haciendo una tormenta en un vaso de agua," Dijo la Sra Dresser. +
"No tenían la menor ida por ignorantes, y los alertamos de ese hecho."
IDe hecho, el gobierno de la ciudad ha aceptado felizmente donaciones similares de varias embajadas. Con el gobierno de Vietnam les ayudaron a limpiar una plaza en el centro histórico y bruñido con una estatua de Ho Chi Minh, sentado delante de una pared curva que lleva una cita.

Azerbaiyán, que es rico en petróleo, ha convertido adulación en un leit motiv. El martes pasado en Azerbaiyán, para el cumpleaños de Heydar Aliyev, las autoridades tenían más de un millón de flores traídas de diversos países. Formaron esculturas enormes y elaboradas, incluyendo un mosaico con la cara del Sr. Aliyev hecha de crisantemos morados, blancos y dorados. (Por la noche del sábado, los camiones de volteo respaldaban el retiro de todas las flores podridas.)

En la ciudad de México el gobierno de Azerbaiyán, ha sido generoso, gastando más de U. S: Cy. $ 6,000, 000.00 ( seis millones de dólares.
Junto con el Parque de la Amistad, con la estatua enmarcada por una pieza dentada de mármol que es un mapa de Azerbaiyán, se restauró una plaza en el centro histórico. Allí se pintó la fachada de una iglesia adyacente y se instaló una fuente danzante. Sin embargo, una placa conmemorativa de las víctimas de la masacre de 1992 en el pueblo de Jodzhali durante la guerra no declarada entre Armenia y Azerbaiyán por el enclave de Nagorno-Karabaj, atrajo más problemas.

Nadie en el gobierno de la ciudad se molestó en comprobar el texto de la placa, que llama a la masacre como un genocidio. La pequeña pero o influyente comunidad Armenia en México se quejó. Lo mismo hizo el gobierno de Armenia.

Para encontrar una solución diplomática, el Sr. Ebrard ha nombrado un comité de tres personas y se compromete a seguir sus recomendaciones, no sólo sobre la estatua y la placa, sino también sobre cómo tomar decisiones co un poco más “de transparencia.”

El ha estado tratando de convencer al Sr. Mukhtarov para mover la estatua a un espacio privado que podría convertirse en un centro cultural México-Azerbaiyán. La recomendación de la comisión y la respuesta de Azerbaiyán a la propuesta del Sr. Ebrard se espera en los próximos días.
Nadie le pidió su opinión a las personas que visitan el jardín, un refugio tranquilo de hortensias y geranios ahogados macizos de flores situada entre calles muy transitadas.

"Realmente no sé por qué está aquí - tal vez porque pagaron por el parque", dijo Islas Yohan Hernández, de 34 años, moviendo su cabeza en signo de desaprobación por la estatua. El Sr. Islas camina desde su oficina a comer su almuerzo para llevar debajo de un árbol todos los días. "Para los mexicanos, realmente no hay problema", dijo.
Sr. Mukhtarov advirtió que la eliminación de la estatua por la fuerza no sería interpretada como un movimiento amistoso, y se maravilló de todo el alboroto en México. "Creo que tienen otros problemas para concentrar su mente en más de un monumento", dijo. "Para nosotros, es un problema muy grande."

Ellen Barry contribuyó desde Moscú
Enrique Peña Nieto’s restrictions: 15' with Mr. @BarackObama

Next Tuesday Enrique Peña will have one of the last major activities of the extremely long transition between the outgoing and incoming governments. So long that favors increasingly absurd decisions of the outgoing government, such as renaming the country or appointing personal friends as Judges of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation. So long, it causes all sorts of questions and doubts about how much you agree with these upcoming government decisions.

It is the customs office of the meeting with the president of the country from which we most depend. The meeting between Peña and Obama will also be attended by Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper. I do not think that at that meeting they will make any spectacular announcements , as neither Obama or Peña have enough votes in Congress to push their agendas for a radical transformation of the relationship in their respective countries, and Harper also faces serious problems in Canada.

What could perhaps emerge, is a change in the approach of the relationship between the three countries. That would be no longer dominated by drug trafficking and security issues, and worry again about the issues of economic growth. More importantly for us, however, would be a change in mood that dominated the relationship between Mexico and the United States.

Last PRI governments advanced in the logic of economic integration, but it was an hypocritical one, betting to continue with the undocumented Mexican migration to the U. S….. until they abide it there

PAN governments also failed in radical changes. They couldn’t take advantage of the expectations generated by the arrival of Vicente Fox to the presidency of the Republic, and also failed to take advantage of its close relationship with the Republican Party

Neither Bush was willing-especially after the September 11, 2001, to promote a thorough reform of migration, nor Felipe Calderón was able to see beyond their short-term goals in combating organized crime.

This change of mind could have been driven by the results of the elections in both Mexico and the United States. Neither Peña nor Obama won their 2012 election platform that emphasized primarily with the issue of combating drug trafficking. Peña's platform was so blurred as a poor quality video on Youtube, but none of his opponents in the Mexican election campaigned from the perspective of the police-military fighter followed by the government of Felipe Calderon and Mexico plunged into the situation where we are now.

And even if you do not consider the result of the endorsements that legalized the use of marijuana for recreational purposes in Washington and Colorado, or the fact that 16 other states and the District of Columbia now recognize the medicinal use of marijuana and therefore, have decriminalized consumption, there are other signs that Peña should consider to define the terms of their relationship with Obama.

There is the process of legalization, not just marijuana, which has driven since early this year, by the government of Uruguay that, despite opposition from some groups, has made some progress in Congress of that country.

Most notably, it is the decision of José Manuel Santos, Colombia's current president, to break with the logic of police-military fight which he undertook as defense minister of his predecessor in the presidency of his country. Something similar has been done, albeit shy, stumbling and with contradictions from Guatemala's president, retired general Otto Perez Molina.

In fact it can be said that in Latin America there is already a current of public opinion that speaks of the need to change the strategy to combat drugs, as has been demonstrated by the interventions of most presidents who attended the summit of Cadiz, Spain.

The change in strategy does not require large ads. Neither involves entering a logic of confrontation with the U.S. government, at least during the administration of Barack Obama, that has shown more interest in preventing a terrorist attack than emphasizing the logic of military police combat drug trafficking.

In Enrique Peña Nieto`s case, the situation is more difficult because, even if he likes it or not, he inherits a deeply divided country, a country that largely didn’t relied on him and, above all, a country that does not keep the best memories of PRI governments and, last but not least, is facing severe pressure in other areas of public life, such as poverty reduction, tax reform and the reform of the education and health systems that are, right now, much more important than to insist on a policy that proved a failure where ever you look at.

So much so that, for example, this week's edition of The Economist magazine has a detailed geography of violence and death caused by the drug war, of course, not only confirms the position that this medium has advocated since the early 1980s about the need to legalize the consumption of drugs and developed in a material published on March 5, 2009 with the suggestive title of "How to end the war on drugs."
The most serious risks that Peña faces in the current context is not that of the possible reaction of the U.S. presidency, are not even that of U.S. public opinion, which, since 2011, mostly pronounced in favor of the legalization....


The main risks and more pressure will be faced from those who have come to make the drug war in Mexico, the U.S. or anywhere else, a business. This situation exists not only in the case of fighting drugs and that, in fact, not new. It follows from this remark that Dwight Eisenhower had to end his rule in 1959 against the "military-industrial complex," which is involved in this matter, but it has been joined by many other actors who now feel that their very existence depends on continuing the drug war as we know it.

It is the police-industrial complex, but also the industrial complex-analytic, ie analysts who literally live to perpetuate many myths about the negative effects of drug use..

Peña would have to use these days to ponder just what is most important to him, if the perpetual logic imposed by these "analysts" over national security, or to open your ears, rather, to make proposals for the State to operate in the field of drugs such as marijuana, alcohol does and tobacco.

the empire?
The other possible source of problems and pressures for Peña won’t come from U.S. but from the way we define ourselves in terms of the relationship with that country. Some governments, but especially public opinion in Mexico has failed to process, despite the many years of dealing with the United States, is that the political class of this country is not monolithic. It is true that, unlike the Mexican political class, have a very clear doctrine of their national interest that often means that, from the outside, it seems that U.S. politicians are a two-sided coin.

This difficulty of the Mexican public to understand how the U.S. political system operates, makes us relatively innocent victims of cheating arguments. It is the argument of the "empire", which vetoes, which impones, that sabotages, but it is an argument that does not stand up under scrutiny.

And those who say that there are not any margins or degrees of freedom from "the empire", should review what happened in Venezuela, Bolivia, Argentina, Ecuador and even in the small, impoverished Nicaragua in the last ten or more years. Any of these countries have taken measures in Mexico we wouldhate or not, but ythat speaks over large margins of freedom of their governments.
The reality, as demonstrated by this 2012 election is that the American political class is multifaceted and complex. More than a coin with two sides, Republican and Democrat, is a polyhedron, a diamond, with different faces, and on each side there are nuances in Mexico often we lose sight of the simplicity of making every American a "gringo" indistinguishable each other and all equally heirs of General Winfield Scott.

The only ones who understand this reality and advantage for their purposes were Carlos Salinas and Ernesto Zedillo. Perhaps the years of study there, or the proximity of advisors who actually knew these fine details of how policy is made there, helped us to understand that for a given topic (NAFTA or the bailout of Mexico) could find support in any of the two major political parties, just as it was possible to find support or opposition in a constellation of media much more diverse in every possible sense of the term that exists in Mexico.

This plurality, which was evident in 1980 and 1990, is even greater now that much of the construction of the public no longer happens exclusively by the once great trilogy of TV networks (CBS, NBC and ABC) . Public opinion in the U.S., rather, is built on TV and radio open, public and private, in the multitude of cable channels, as well as the myriad of portals and Web pages, linked or not to any other means of type, generate a public opinion with an infinite number of shades.

Fox, through the Jorge Castañeda’s work, seemed to understand this multifaceted reality, but the contradictions of his government and firing Castañeda from the cabinet, made that knowledge to be wasted.

About Mr. Calderon’ secretary of foreign affairs, is difficult to say anything, good or bad, as she was never able to move beyond the rigid formalismo of Matías Romero Institute diplomacy formalism, but, above all, assumed that there was no separate policy on anti-drug that political-military strategy and that the relationship with the U.S. is only possible within a confrontation Venezuela or Mexico style and, of course, chose the 72 months of management practice submission by Mexico style.

If Emilio Lozoya is the responsible of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, we will have to see if he learned something from the way Salinas and Zedillo managed to build support for Mexico. In any case, something important that should be on the priority list of Peña, is recognizing the need to be humble and accept that although the Mexican presidency is powerful, is not as powerful as Felipe Calderon believed to be so.

Neither the narcotraffickers will be ended by shooting, nor the shooting oo effort of that type will be politically or socially neutral
Quite the contrary .

Comentario de la serie
Crítica de la Pirámide
presentado en
Radio Trece Noticias
con Margarita García Colín
25 de noviembre de 2012

Publicado por Rodolfo Soriano-Núñez en 18:30
Etiquetas: Carlos Salinas, Enrique Peña Nieto, Ernesto Cordero, Estados Unidos, Jorge Castañeda, México,Rodolfo Soriano Núñez, Vicente Fox Quesada

When the president wins an election race, cheating

Jorge Ramos Ávalos

(25 November 2012). - The problem for the new president of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto, is very simple: millions of Mexicans believe he won cheating. And the problem for the millions of Mexicans who are convinced that Peña Nieto won more votes in the last election because he did traps is that, like it or not, he will be president for six years. This is reality. What do we do now?

It is very hard to believe the Institutional Revolutionary Party, when they say they have changed and that they are no longer the dinosaurs they were before, because to win the last election they committed the same abuses that had characterized them during his long 71 years in power. They spent more than the other candidates, using television for years to get an unfair advantage- The state governments used state resources, tried to buy votes through payments and cards, pressured judges and officials to make a blind eye, and in the end, with all those cheating, they got more votes. If they did that when they didn’t had the presidency, can you imagine what they will do in 2018?

The cheating that had made Peña Nieto win the elections,oddly weren`t seen by the Electoral Court judges that stated as “unfounded alegations” or fraud and concluded that Mexico had free and fair Elections” They saw nothing. Or as a journalist friend told me: Yes indeed. Peña Nieto won with traps and was not ethical in the campaign , but nothing he did, was illegal” Pretty justice!.

Many have said that they will not recognize Peña Nieto as legitimate president. I respect those views. Do not blame them. They do not want an imposition. However, Peña Nieto will act as President, with band, and in the overnment house. "You have no legitimacy," they say. But any way he is just going to rule.

So with don’t have any options, but to denounce the traps, protest, make clear our position and let Peña Nieto to know at every opportunity that we do not accept the way he became President. Surely that won’t bother him. But he should know that hewill govern a divided, angry and a country in crisis.

OF course that Peña Nieto, won’t be the first president from the Intitutional Revolutionary Party who arrives to the government with a an electoral lack of legitimacy. Carlos Salinas de Gortari won with the greatest electoral fraud comitted in the history of Mexico, and even then, he was on power during the six years term. Same happened to Ernesto Zedillo, who won by Salinas’ finger pointing at him, and ruled also during six long years.

Anyway, Peña Nieto will rule from Los Pinos and no Mexican will have any interest that his president do it badly. Even those who voted against him

And even if it is unacceptable in a true democracy as deceitful as abusive as Peña Nieto won, Mexico can not afford to become paralyzed and wait until 2018. This is the President imposed on us and we must deal with it. That's what happens in a democracy as imperfect and as young as ours, just 12 years old.

We can not wait another six years to solve the problem of crime. What Mexican family has not been touched by violence or by the dreadful fear of not having a state that protects your life? We can not wait six years to create the millions of jobs the country needs only to give work to young people entering the workforce.

Reducing crime in a meaningful way and to create good jobs, those are the priorities. Peña Nieto hopefully can do something. I really hope he does well. But that does not remove the indignation and anger over an election in which the winner took advantage of a very flawed electoral system and that candidates were not equal. What do we do?

OUr society is much more independent, modern, strong and democratic before 2000. Peña Nieto will not be a Superpresident as in the seven decades of authoritarian PRI. So our job as journalists is to question Peña Nieto at all times and not let it lie. The political opposition will negotiate with the new government for the good of the country. The millions of Mexicans who voted for him will not succeed without waiting and expecting miracles presidential Peña Nieto govern for all and not just for your friends. And all will ensure that Mexico, in 2018, has no other president whose election is questioned.

This is what to do when the President wins by cheating.
Wanna get the President of Mexico out? Here are ideas
The Military can take him out
An Cartel gang member can take him out
Terrorist like Al Queda can take him out
The Mafia can take him out
When are the people of Mexico going to stand up and put a stop to this?

Mexican Mayor Maria Santos Gorrostieta Killed by Gunmen was Defiant to the End

She’s been labeled a “heroine of the 21st century,” a symbol of defiance in México’s fight against the country’s ruthless drug cartels -- and possibly bullet-proof, after surviving two assassination attempts.
But when Mexican police identified the body of a half-nude, tortured and mutilated woman on a rural road in the state of Michoacán, María Santos Gorrostieta also became another statistic in the country’s grisly drug war.
@FelipecaldeRON : Lo malo de mentir como siempre y ser un iletrado por no leer "La Iliada" de Homero ni "El Principe" del florentino Nicolás Maquiavelo

@reformacom @BarackObama @EPN @pridehoy @GOP @THEDEMOCRATS

Publicado por @reformacom

Edgar Valdez Villarreal @ “The Barbie” is shearing guilts

He incriminates Federal Police Officials, suscribes letter in which assumes crimes and accuses Garcia Luna and his staff as accomplices

Anabel Hernández

(28 noviembre 2012).- Édgar Valdez Villarreal, @ "the Barbie", after assuming guilt of criminal acts, declares to have paid [bribes] to main officers of the federal Police, including them as part of the criminal structure.

In a letter delivered yesterday to @reformacom, by whom has been charged to work for Beltran’s drug cartel, saying that resides of taking money from narco traffickers, the officials also take as a loot, the seizures of drugs they make.

Valdez denounces in writing delivered by his attorney, that Genaro García Luna, Secretary of the Federal Police, takes Money from drug dealers since 2002 as also all his staff.

"...I know he has received money from me, from drug dealers and criminal organizations as also a selected group, integrated by Armando Espinosa de Benito who worked with the D. E. A. and gave me information; Luis Cárdenas Palomino, Edgar Eusebio Millán Gómez, Francisco Javier Garza Palacios (PF Colombia), Igor Labastida Calderón, Facundo Rosas Rosas, Ramón Eduardo Pequeño García y Gerardo Garay Cadena whom were part [of the deal][ and getting Money from me and criminal organizations

@"The Barbie", arrested in August 2010, said his arrest was because he refused to participate in an agreement that President Felipe Calderon [p]allegedly wanted to do with the major drug cartels.

"My arrest was the result of political persecution by President Felipe Calderón, who established a harassment against me for the reason that I refused to be part of the agreement that Mr. Calderón Hinojosa desired with all organized crime groups, for which he personally held several meetings to have discussions with organized crime groups.

Valdez says that General Mario Arturo Acosta Chaparro, executed in April this year, was the intermediary of the Government to hold meetings with bosses to achieve agreement.

The drug dealer currently imprisoned in the prison of the Altiplano, says Garcia Luna received bribes from the drug since he was head of the Federal Investigation Agency (AFI) during the administration of Vicente Fox

Attorney Joselyn Erendira Gutierrez, head of the defense of Valdez and who delivered the letter to @reformacom, says he can be extradited to the United States at any time and that his client wants to "clarify the facts and that justice should be done."

"I could have done what I have done but, I mention also that all these public officials, are also part of the criminal structure of this country", [/i] finished telling the drug trafficker

The Word of a narco.


Reparte culpas 'Barbie'

Incrimina a jefes de la SSP. Suscribe capo carta en que asume delitos y acusa de cómplices a García Luna y staff

Anabel Hernández

(28 noviembre 2012).- Édgar Valdez Villarreal, "La Barbie", luego de asumir actos criminales, asegura haber pagado a funcionarios del primer círculo de la SSP federal y los incluye como parte de la estructura criminal.

En carta entregada ayer a REFORMA por quien es acusado de trabajar para el Cártel de los Beltrán, afirma que además de recibir dinero del narcotráfico, los funcionarios toman como botín los decomisos que hacen.

Valdez denuncia en la misiva entregada por su abogada, que Genaro García Luna, titular de la SSP, recibe desde 2002 dinero del narcotráfico, al igual que sus principales colaboradores.

" consta que ha recibido dinero de mi, del narcotráfico y la delincuencia organizada, al igual que a un grupo selecto integrado por Armando Espinosa de Benito quien trabajaba con la DEA y me pasaba información, Luis Cárdenas Palomino, Edgar Eusebio Millán Gómez, Francisco Javier Garza Palacios (PF Colombia), Igor Labastida Calderón, Facundo Rosas Rosas, Ramón Eduardo Pequeño García y Gerardo Garay Cadena quienes también forman parte y reciben dinero de la delincuencia organizada y de mi".

"La Barbie", detenido en agosto de 2010, asegura que su captura fue por haberse negado a participar en un acuerdo que el Presidente Felipe Calderón presuntamente quería hacer con los principales cárteles de la droga.

"Mi detención fue el resultado de una persecución política por parte del C. Felipe Calderón Hinojosa quien instauró un acosamiento en contra de mi persona por la razón de que el suscrito se negó a formar parte del acuerdo que el señor Calderón Hinojosa deseaba tener con todos los grupos de delincuencia organizada para lo cual él personalmente realizó varias juntas para tener pláticas con grupos de delincuencia organizada".

Valdez afirma que el General Mario Arturo Acosta Chaparro, ejecutado en abril de este año, fue el intermediario del Gobierno para sostener reuniones con capos a fin de lograr el acuerdo.

El narcotraficante, actualmente preso en el penal del Altiplano, asegura que García Luna recibe sobornos del narco desde que era titular de la Agencia Federal de Investigaciones (AFI) en el sexenio de Vicente Fox.

La abogada Eréndira Joselyn Guerra Gutiérrez, titular de la defensa de Valdez y quien entregó la carta a REFORMA, afirma que éste puede ser extraditado en cualquier momento a EU y que su cliente quiere que "se esclarezcan los hechos y se haga justicia".

"Yo pude haber hecho lo que haya hecho pero ellos, los funcionarios públicos que menciono, también son parte de la estructura criminal de este país", remata el narcotraficante.

Palabra de narco

Misiva que envió Édgar Valdez a REFORMA:
I feel sorry for the people trying to live in Mexico amid all the corruption in their governments and the drug cartels. It seems like Mayors and reporters have short life spans.

No wonder so many people are trying to escape.