Makng frun of those with Downs now?? Have you no pride or moral compass?
October 2, 2008
Ohio Vote Fraud Likely 'On Massive Scale' And Pro-Obama Courtesy of Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner
Topics: Political News and commentaries
"Early voting is taking place in Ohio. Through the end of the week, people can register and vote on the same day. The Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner argues that they are merely "casting their ballot" rather than "voting" so the fact that Ohio statute requires 30 days between registering and voting would not interfere.
So here is what is happening today. People are showing up to register and vote. There is no affirmative evidence that these people have not registered or voted somewhere else. There is no control. Normally in an election, partisan election monitors are allowed into polling places so that they can police each other. But not in two counties, Franklin and Montgomery, in Ohio. Brunner also issued an advisory opinion to counties saying that they are not required to allow election monitors.
Here you can see an election observer be turned away.
This video, also via The Next Right, shows interviews with people who are voting in Franklin County, where Republican election monitors are not being allowed into polling places - you almost can't believe what you're hearing but there's no question who these people (some who were literally pulled off the street) are voting for.
And did you catch the guy in the video talking about registering and not knowing where the voter will be next week?
It's a perfect opportunity for them to come in, register at a temporary address like a homeless shelter or a YMCA or something like that. They can register at that address because they don't know where they're going to be tomorrow or next week."
Here's Lou Dobbs on the massive voter fraud in Ohio due to the new rule allowing Ohio voters to register and vote at the same time.
Nothing to see here folks, just move along. These fine people in the second video are simply following the lead of their "master," who cut his political teeth in the Chicago political machine mentality. They are just voting early and voting often. It's the Chicago way - transplanted to Ohio."