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a U.N. that would not exist were it not for the monies taken from each hard working American Citizen
This is hilarious.
One of the first acts of the fledgling UN was the Bretton Woods conference which created the IMF and World Bank - tools used by the wicked capitalists to create a bogus system of finance that turned most of the third world into financial colonies.
"...In the last stages of the Second World War, in 1944 at the Bretton Woods Conference The Bank of International Settlements became the crux in a fight that broke out, when the Norwegian delegation put forth evidence that the BIS was guilty in war crimes and put forth a move to dissolve the bank, which the Americans, specifically President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Henry Morgenthau supported, resulting in a fight between on one side several European nations, the American and the Norwegian delegation, led by Henry Morgenthau and Harry Dexter White, and on the other side the British delegation, headed by John Maynard Keynes and Chase Bank representative Dean Atcheson who tried to veto the dissolution of the bank.
The problem was that the BIS, formed in 1930, and its main proponents of its establishment, were the then Governor of The Bank of England, Montague Norman and his colleague Hjalmar Schacht, later Adolf Hitlers finance minister. The Bank was originally intended to facilitate money transfers arising from settling an obligation arising from a peace treaty. After World War I, the need for the bank was suggested in 1929 by the Young Committee, as a means of transfer for German reparations payments - see Treaty of Versailles. The plan was agreed in August of that year at a conference at the Hague, and a charter for the bank was drafted at the International Bankers Conference at Baden Baden in November. The charter was adopted at a second Hague Conference on January 20, 1930.The Original board of directors of the BIS included two appointees of Hitler, Walter Funk and Emil Puhl, as well as Herman Schmitz the director of IG Farben and Baron von Schroeder the owner of the J.H.Stein Bank, the bank that held the deposits of the Gestapo.
As a result of allegations that the BIS had helped the Germans loot assets from occupied countries during World War II, the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference recommended the "liquidation of the Bank for International Settlements at the earliest possible moment." [2] This task, which was originally proposed by Norway and supported by other European delegates, as well as the United States and Morgenthau and Harry Dexter White, was never undertaken. [3]
In July 1944 Dean Atcheson interrupted Keynes in a meeting fearing that the BIS would be dissolved by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Keynes went to Henry Morgenthau to prevent the dissolution of the BIS, or have it postponed, but the next day the dissolution of the BIS was approved. The British delegation did not give up and the dissolution of the bank was held up just long enough until after Roosevelt had died, in April of 1945 the British and Harry S. Truman stopped the dissolution of the BIS..."
Comrade Stalin