H. L. Mencken said nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the american people, and therefore all thoughtful people will concede there is a distinct possibility of a democrat all-side victory this fall, with both houses and the presidency going to the dems. Voters, clueless about the causes of high food and gas prices and the subprime mortgage "crisis" and high cost of health care, and thoroughly dumbed down by years of lib media propaganda, may very well summon just enough intellectual activity in their brains to walk to the polls and vote for "change".
Probably most lib leaders are in their heart of hearts leftists, and they see this election, not without reason, as their moment. For around a hundred years, the normal pattern of the presidency is centrist republicans alternating with liberal democrats. The only conservative president elected since the 1920s was Reagan, and to find a true leftist you have to go back to FDR. (Carter, imo, was a borderline leftist.) Mr. Dimwit Voter doesn't really realize what they would get with Obama - the first genuine leftist in over 60 years, and only the second in american history.
Here's some of what I predict will happen if the dems/libs complete their control of all three federal branches for at least the next four years:
1. Abortion by any female at any age for any reason and any stage of pregnancy will become law, finally achieving the ultimate dream of the abortionists.
2. Recent anti-white discrimination judicial victories will be codified into law.
3. The abandonment of the Republic of China, started by Jimmy Carter 30 years ago, will be completed with the official abrogation of any agreements or understandings to defend ROC.
4. The isolation of Cuba by the US, maintained by 50 years of democrat and republican presidents, will end, propping up and giving new life to the almost dead communist remnant.
5. The long sought "fairness rule" will be enacted by a dem-controlled FCC, bringing an end to conservative talk radio.
6. Needless to say, Iraq will be abandoned, and become either (1) an iranian province or puppet state, (2) a chaotic disintegrating state with the surrounding countries picking up the remnants, or (3) an islamofascist state like the former taliban-controlled afghanistan.
7. Israel, reading the handwriting on the wall, will take bold new military steps to defend itself.
8. Eastern european states, seeing the abandonment of iraq, will protect themselves by backing off from the US.
9. A state-controlled health rationing system will be implemented.
10. Draconian "anti-global warming" edicts will pour forth from the EPA.