I told mark about this.

If Putin wants to improve Russia he needs to turn his people back to God.
Keep in mind that in the Bible, the only approved system of government is kings selected because of their noble birth. God does not mention democracy, apparently the political system of the Greek city states was unknown to him.
Remember that Jesus was no said to be just a common son of a common carpenter. He was said to belong to the House of David.
It is somewhat strange to say that he was related because of Joseph, because, Joseph was not his real father, the Biblical character known as "God". But in any case, the only governmental system mention in the Bible is monarchy. We should be ruled by a king. And a king should be ruled by the King of Kings. Lord of Lords. Amen!

Putin curries favor with the Russian Orthodox Church, bestows it with special attention and privileges, and is frequently shown with the Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill in print publications and on TV. In return, Patriarch Kirill blesses Putin and everything he does and supports him in every way.

Many Russian people see this as some sort of divine endorsement.
I agree and that's why he wants Trump there. Trump also loves those three specialties.
Right! Putin does not want Trump! You are oblivious and incompetent just like Harris! You deserve it what she will give! Nothing! Yo Americans anyway! They do not know how regular folks live! None of them do! Go live with Putin! He loves her laugh! Maybe she will jump in the hay with him! Sad! Whore!

Keep in mind that in the Bible, the only approved system of government is kings selected because of their noble birth. God does not mention democracy, apparently the political system of the Greek city states was unknown to him.
Remember that Jesus was no said to be just a common son of a common carpenter. He was said to belong to the House of David.
It is somewhat strange to say that he was related because of Joseph, because, Joseph was not his real father, the Biblical character known as "God". But in any case, the only governmental system mention in the Bible is monarchy. We should be ruled by a king. And a king should be ruled by the King of Kings. Lord of Lords. Amen!

Putin curries favor with the Russian Orthodox Church, bestows it with special attention and privileges, and is frequently shown with the Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill in print publications and on TV. In return, Patriarch Kirill blesses Putin and everything he does and supports him in every way.

Many Russian people see this as some sort of divine endorsement.
Unbelievers make for poor Bible teachers.
Right! Putin does not want Trump! You are oblivious and incompetent just like Harris! You deserve it what she will give! Nothing! Yo Americans anyway! They do not know how regular folks live! None of them do! Go live with Putin! He loves her laugh! Maybe she will jump in the hay with him! Sad! Whore!

Nasty nasty.
I can see your frustrations are building a Harris as POTUS looms large.

Where's your evidence she's a whore? Youve never had a bit of slap and tickle before marriage?
Melania has had more meat than a butchers window but you said nothing.

Aren't you a sad old tart.
Unbelievers make for poor Bible teachers.
Tell me what I said about the Bible that is not true.

A true scholar reads a text--any text with the goal of determining what it means and whether it makes sense.
A Bible scholar reads the Bible, finds gobbledegook, contradictions, and nonsense and tries to explain how it is not gobbledegook, contradictions or nonsense.

Jesus is God. God is Lord. Jesus says, " I came not to bring peace but a sword."
Jesus says, "“Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill."
Paul says, "FORGET the Laws, forget circumcision and all the dietary laws, eat all the ham and pork and shrimp you want, it's a 'new covenant."
Nasty nasty.
I can see your frustrations are building a Harris as POTUS looms large.

Where's your evidence she's a whore? Youve never had a bit of slap and tickle before marriage?
Melania has had more meat than a butchers window but you said nothing.

Aren't you a sad old tart.
You are a bastard! And you admit Harris is a fucking whore! Im no whore that had to screw my way for a job! Trump will win unless they cheat again! Oh well! I just know, Harris answered nothing! She rehearsed!
You sir sit on your ass and collect no doubt!
Harris cannot run this country! If she wins, so be it! We planned for the good and bad in life. For you? I sense not! Free! Food stamps and charity! A nothing today snd a nothing tomorrow. You are probably not married! Who would marry you? A nobody! Lol! 😂😂😂 It’s kind of funny to see the types of people that vote for Harris! lol!
You are a bastard! And you admit Harris is a fucking whore!
No I didn't and you said she was but have no evidence.

Im no whore that had to screw my way for a job!
Neither did she as her qualifications prove.

Trump will win unless they cheat again!

Here we go again.
Oh well! I just know, Harris answered nothing! She rehearsed!

Doesn't matter. Trump is toast.
You sir sit on your ass and collect no doubt!
Harris cannot run this country!

How could you possibly know that? Your hate is not a recommendation for anything.
If she wins, so be it! We planned for the good and bad in life. For you? I sense not! Free! Food stamps and charity! A nothing today snd a nothing tomorrow. You are probably not married! Who would marry you? A nobody! Lol! 😂😂😂 It’s kind of funny to see the types of people that vote for Harris! lol!
Go and piss up a tree. You're brain dead.
No I didn't and you said she was but have no evidence.

Neither did she as her qualifications prove.

Here we go again.

Doesn't matter. Trump is toast.

How could you possibly know that? Your hate is not a recommendation for anything.

Go and piss up a tree. You're brain dead.
😂😂😂!!! You poor little thing!
Kamala proved in the debate that she can perform well under stress and keep a great sense of humor and win a good game of Rope-a-Dope with Trump. Trump somehow thinks that it is unfair to remind him that he was born obscenely rich and that people do not stay and listen to him rant for hours and hours.

Nobody CARES about either thing. Nobody but Trump.
And then he wants to talk about rumors of Haitians eating cats, and says that Israel won't last for even two years unless he is elected.
Kamala proved in the debate that she can perform well under stress and keep a great sense of humor and win a good game of Rope-a-Dope with Trump. Trump somehow thinks that it is unfair to remind him that he was born obscenely rich and that people do not stay and listen to him rant for hours and hours.

Nobody CARES about either thing. Nobody but Trump.
And then he wants to talk about rumors of Haitians eating cats, and says that Israel won't last for even two years unless he is elected.
And you along with Boris are at the same level as Harris! If you do not see how ABC asked questions that had no focus on US!
She will probably win by the dumb people voting for the wrong reasons! Deserve what you get from her! Nothing!
You cannot list her policies either! She is a liar!
What are her policies? Oh that’s right! You do not know her policies but you know how to down anyone else or point out their faults! Poor thing.
Nasty nasty.
I can see your frustrations are building a Harris as POTUS looms large.

Where's your evidence she's a whore? Youve never had a bit of slap and tickle before marriage?
Melania has had more meat than a butchers window but you said nothing.

Aren't you a sad old tart.
There is no evidence that Kamala loves conservative Americans, republicans, free market capitalism, closed borders, enforcement of laws, color of skin favoritism towards blacks, punishment of criminals, and so forth.