I hate AOC lately.

Brilliant minds like yours are so important to USA.
You should be drafted into the job of secretary of state.
You have all the answers and could solve international squabbles in a heart beat. So well researched and not a sceric if bias proven by your profound statement Harris and Biden are a disgrace.
Like Lincoln's speech at Gettysburg, those words will be chiselled on mount Rushmore forever.
God bless your little cotton knickers.
Look your best friend is backing Harris. How interesting! Your best friend Putin is backing Harris.
You are the biggest asshole! Here you have Harris with several accents while Biden is told to sit at a tiny desk, attorney general makes a speech about Russia interfering in the election as the FBI dits next to him but they cannot get into three encrypted accounts of the shooter, Crook! You are as big of an ass just like them! A fucking joke! Move on asshole punk! You are nothing just like them!
Settle down ducky. Get your valium ready for Nov 5th.

The first 4 years is the worst I've heard.