I can just see thier faces if

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
indeed I can see the faces and reactions of democrats if trump had told then he was a professor and truck driver from a coal mining family who was raised in a Puerto Rican neighbor hood and also graduated in the top of his class and was arrested trying to see nelson Mandela and that he was also arrested on civil rights marches and gave the eulogy and a former KKK members funeral. No to mention how his first wife was killed by a drunk driver and jill almost died on a kitchen fire and his one son was killed in iraq and he was going to 8nite America and cure cancer .
OMG they would have a massive seizure and go into convulsions and probably start making animal noises and bleeding out of every orifice of the body .with uncontrollable projection vomit and shats .
They would impeach him say he's crazy on drugs had dementia or under Alien control from the planet zoldar. There would. be investigations for years and books written about it.
It would be one fubar situation.
Yet joes can do it and they smile and defend him then come after you for bringing it up.
indeed I can see the faces and reactions of democrats if trump had told then he was a professor and truck driver from a coal mining family who was raised in a Puerto Rican neighbor hood and also graduated in the top of his class and was arrested trying to see nelson Mandela and that he was also arrested on civil rights marches and gave the eulogy and a former KKK members funeral. No to mention how his first wife was killed by a drunk driver and jill almost died on a kitchen fire and his one son was killed in iraq and he was going to 8nite America and cure cancer .
OMG they would have a massive seizure and go into convulsions and probably start making animal noises and bleeding out of every orifice of the body .with uncontrollable projection vomit and shats .
They would impeach him say he's crazy on drugs had dementia or under Alien control from the planet zoldar. There would. be investigations for years and books written about it.
It would be one fubar situation.
Yet joes can do it and they smile and defend him then come after you for bringing it up.
Again, you and truth have never met.
Yes if trump had said all of that there would be a investigation spanning even more years and millions wasted .
And if one of trumps kids had done what bidens did they would be in jail long ago
Yes if trump had said all of that there would be a investigation spanning even more years and millions wasted .
And if one of trumps kids had done what bidens did they would be in jail long ago
But he didn't and you guys said nothing, no investigation because they had both my, 6 years down the track and still no crimes it charges.
Can you see a pattern of innocence forming,.
That is where YOUR comprehension are lacking.
Gotcha again.
But he didn't and you guys said nothing, no investigation because they had both my, 6 years down the track and still no crimes it charges.
Can you see a pattern of innocence forming,.
That is where YOUR comprehension are lacking.
Gotcha again.
nfirst.no he didnt but creepy uncle lying biden did and nedd a mental competency test like Trump took him past of course Joe won't do that and we know why he would not pass.
O what charges should of trump been charged with 6 years ago ? Poor taste in hair cuts ?
nfirst.no he didnt but creepy uncle lying biden did and nedd a mental competency test like Trump took him past of course Joe won't do that and we know why he would not pass.
O what charges should of trump been charged with 6 years ago ? Poor taste in hair cuts ?
Oh dear. I can't believe in your haste to reply your incoherence has surfaced again.

I never said Trump should be charged with anything in that time. I implied he had six years to bring charges against the Biden's, Obama and Hilary, who were all supposed to go to jail.

The difference now is at least there is an enquiry into Trump's illegalities and constitutional ignorances.
He has been subpoenaed and as I said in another post,
he will not be able to one clean. The dems have cleverly given him two options and he loses either way.

I don't know what your thoughts are but you should. To this point all you've done is bitch and moan about witch hunts and impropriety because you worshipped a complete nut, who all democrats knew, would bring himself undone with his arrogant dismissive style towards democracy.
Welcome to the modern day fascist GOP.
Oh dear. I can't believe in your haste to reply your incoherence has surfaced again.

I never said Trump should be charged with anything in that time. I implied he had six years to bring charges against the Biden's, Obama and Hilary, who were all supposed to go to jail.

The difference now is at least there is an enquiry into Trump's illegalities and constitutional ignorances.
He has been subpoenaed and as I said in another post,
he will not be able to one clean. The dems have cleverly given him two options and he loses either way.

I don't know what your thoughts are but you should. To this point all you've done is bitch and moan about witch hunts and impropriety because you worshipped a complete nut, who all democrats knew, would bring himself undone with his arrogant dismissive style towards democracy.
Welcome to the modern day fascist GOP.
Yes you d8d boris
nfirst.no he didnt but creepy uncle lying biden did and nedd a mental competency test like Trump took him past of course Joe won't do that and we know why he would not pass.
O what charges should of trump been charged with 6 years ago ? Poor taste in hair cuts ?
I didn't worship trump you lug nut He wasn't my first choice at all. But given a vote for him over clinton was easy common sense.
O yes the simpleton in charge who you kiss up to and protect with your lies is do8ng great.
He got the lowest polls in modern time and highest fuel prices ever. 40 year high inflation looming recession turned a energy independent nation to being dependent on others oil.
And he has some type of serious mental issue .he needs to take a competency test like Trump did bet he won't pass and you know it. Yet you still defend him .lol
Yes you d8d boris
I didn't worship trump you lug nut He wasn't my first choice at all. But given a vote for him over clinton was easy common sense.
O yes the simpleton in charge who you kiss up to and protect with your lies is do8ng great.
He got the lowest polls in modern time and highest fuel prices ever. 40 year high inflation looming recession turned a energy independent nation to being dependent on others oil.
And he has some type of serious mental issue .he needs to take a competency test like Trump did bet he won't pass and you know it. Yet you still defend him .lol
All that could be true but the source is spurious.
The fact remains your big mouth is continually gets you into trouble regularly.
I don't care if he is as dementia as you, he's the POTUS and you can suck eggs. I don't care about inflation or high gas prices. I don't care if it upsets you. That's democracy and you do t like it.
It's no different to you supporting Trump the difference being the country is still sucking eggs from the idiot.

So ramble on all you like with your immature justifications.
It's water off a ducks back to me.
All that could be true but the source is spurious.
The fact remains your big mouth is continually gets you into trouble regularly.
I don't care if he is as dementia as you, he's the POTUS and you can suck eggs. I don't care about inflation or high gas prices. I don't care if it upsets you. That's democracy and you do t like it.
It's no different to you supporting Trump the difference being the country is still sucking eggs from the idiot.

So ramble on all you like with your immature justifications.
It's water off a ducks back to me.
yes but under Biden the nation isn't sucking eggs its getting pumped, and yes you care or you wouldn't respond to my posts your desperate to discredit my posts as lies so you don't have to admit to yourself Biden is a joke and you voted for him and still support him.
Thats why you claim I live in a old folks home and have dementia .
yes but under Biden the nation isn't sucking eggs its getting pumped, and yes you care or you wouldn't respond to my post.

No. I care that history is recorded correctly. Not saturated in hatred and stupidity from biased idiots who know nothing.

your desperate to discredit my posts as lies so you don't have to admit to yourself Biden is a joke and you voted for him and still support him.
He's no joke my friend. He cleverly orchestrated the defeat of Trump when everything pointed to the opposite. I supported the democrats but didn't support Biden as POTUS. There's a difference.
Yes, I still support both and will until the very end regardless of how they lose.
Thats why you claim I live in a old folks home and have dementia .
You do.
The amount of ridiculous statements from you indicates clearly there is something going on in you not covered by health insurance.

You are paranoid at fabricated outrageous scenarios about innocent people thinking it will be taken as gospel by you party faithful. It didnt work when Trump was beaten and won't again.