Hunter Biden pleads guilty to all 9 charges in tax evasion case

Never underestimate Joe's love for his son causing him to pardon him for the crimes he was finally convicted of after years of democrat obstructions of investigations into his crimes.
Biden said he would not pardon Hunter, and he will not do so.
It is not about my failing to estimate anything.
Nope only mooorons think parents can control their adult children

Feel free to show how Joe Biden influenced hunter to avoid taxes
Go for it
Joe received millions of dollars from overseas 'donors' through Hunter and none of those funds were reported to the IRS.
Biden said he would not pardon Hunter, and he will not do so.
It is not about my failing to estimate anything.
Biden has a long history of lying so don't count on him telling the truth about Hunter. Joe loves his son more than being honest with the American public.