Hunter Biden continues to lie and idiots continue to support the lies

if lying in that way was a criminal offense. trump would have been in jail years ago. lol

so no, its not proof of anything, except that in most cases lying is legal. duh.
and that doesn't mean what they said was a lie, if the truth isn't known at the time of the statement. duh.
I believe large numbers of democrat supporters see nothing wrong with committing crimes if they believe those crimes benefit the democrat party.
Nothing on Hunter's laptop was admissible evidence of anything, so all hey could do was get him on a firearms charge.

Please note that Hunter Biden is not running for any office.
Hunter's laptop is just one piece of evidence exposing the transfer of millions of dollars under the table from foreign crooks into Biden family member bank accounts.
Nobody went to jail for lying about Hunter's laptop for election interference purposes leading up to the 2020 election. That is further proof our justice system is bent by leftist fascists in illegitimate control in DC.
It wouldn't be they found nothing to incriminate him or his father. Of course not. It's another leftist plot. How did i not know that.
Hunter's laptop is just one piece of evidence exposing the transfer of millions of dollars under the table from foreign crooks into Biden family member bank accounts.
Let me know when you morons have credible evidence of Biden family crimes of this kind
Hunter's laptop is just one piece of evidence exposing the transfer of millions of dollars under the table from foreign crooks into Biden family member bank accounts.
Is it. Well isn't it odd that you know that but the appropriate authorities don't.
You've cranked up your lying to another level. Is it that your lofty claims of trumps return are fading?
Maybe divine intervention isn't arriving.
It wouldn't be they found nothing to incriminate him or his father. Of course not. It's another leftist plot. How did i not know that.
While buffoons sit around celebrating perceived Biden family escapes from justice Congress continues its forward march toward rendering equal justice for all. 6-5-24

House investigators seek DOJ charges for Hunter, James Biden for lying to protect president

Biden family and associates pocketed at least $35 million from deals
Let me know when you morons have credible evidence of Biden family crimes of this kind
I am not a member of Congress and Congress is doing things you may not be aware of due to leftist media censorship of facts not flattering to Joe Biden. 6-5-24
House investigators seek DOJ charges for Hunter, James Biden for lying to protect president

Biden family and associates pocketed at least $35 million from deals ...
“Hunter Biden and James Biden provided false testimony to the Oversight Committee and the Judiciary Committee in what appears to be a conscious, calculated effort to insulate Joe Biden from the duly authorized impeachment inquiry,” Republican lawmakers wrote to Mr. Garland and Mr. Weiss.
Is it. Well isn't it odd that you know that but the appropriate authorities don't.
You've cranked up your lying to another level. Is it that your lofty claims of trumps return are fading?
Maybe divine intervention isn't arriving.
The appropriate authorities obviously know a great deal more than you seem to be aware of.
While buffoons sit around celebrating perceived Biden family escapes from justice Congress continues its forward march toward rendering equal justice for all. 6-5-24

House investigators seek DOJ charges for Hunter, James Biden for lying to protect president

Biden family and associates pocketed at least $35 million from deals
right wing blather
While buffoons sit around celebrating perceived Biden family escapes from justice Congress continues its forward march toward rendering equal justice for all. 6-5-24

House investigators seek DOJ charges for Hunter, James Biden for lying to protect president

Biden family and associates pocketed at least $35 million from deals
35 million??
Where's the evidence of that outrageous claim.
I am not a member of Congress and Congress is doing things you may not be aware of due to leftist media censorship of facts not flattering to Joe Biden. 6-5-24
House investigators seek DOJ charges for Hunter, James Biden for lying to protect president

Biden family and associates pocketed at least $35 million from deals ...
“Hunter Biden and James Biden provided false testimony to the Oversight Committee and the Judiciary Committee in what appears to be a conscious, calculated effort to insulate Joe Biden from the duly authorized impeachment inquiry,” Republican lawmakers wrote to Mr. Garland and Mr. Weiss.
its a "crime family" that is guilty of...LYING?
OH NO. just like a mafia crime family.