This should be fun.
The Dow Jones has been steadily climbing since March.^DJ
Apparently you missed the purpose of the thread about gun laws in DC and how crime has gone down. In fact crime is down nation wide in 2009.
Could you share with us what health care you currently utilize?
The current system is going to continue to bankrupt American citizens, and ultimately the government. Why do you hate Americans?
You do realize that 2001 found us with an overall loss in the stockmarket. Not to mention the worst terrorist attack on America, and starting a war that is still being waged today, that was poorly handled by the GOP from its inception.
Yeah, all of those great years led to the crisis you whine about daily here. I hope you are happy with the consequences.
Hmmm , You never answered truthfully any of my claims:
You only stated the Market has increased since last March, lol, March was a OBAMA disaster created mostly because he scares America!!
Crime stats come from Federal Government reports which are easily tainted to say whatever Obama says!! A GUN LAW in D.C. has little to do with our NATIONAL CRIME STATS!!
personally , I think the Obama administration fixes the unemployment numbers and the Job numbers to make him look better- His numbers and our Economy do not make sense!! HE LIES!!
Only Obama and Libs Parrot the line "It is George Bushs' Fault", I am NOT a GEORGE BUSH FAN , he caved into to liberalism and sold out America! BUT Obama is doing WORSE and ON PURPOSE!!
No , I'm not happy with Bush results , his poor thinking gave us more dangers from radicals than we should have expected from a normal "Compassionate Conservative", Bush was neither conservative or compassionate , he became politically stupid in his second term!! Resulting in America electing an inept , unkown, unprepared, disorganized "radical progressive"
Radical Progressive defines a person or group who hides their true agenda behind the term "progressive". Such a person or body can be marxist , socialist , communist , statist , liberal, or any of the other "isms" that have as their agenda to destroy America and her CONSTITUTION as we know it!!
Yes, America , due to the eight years of lies and torment from the radical "progressive" national news media , learned to hate G.W,Bush and were ripe to put into our White House a man-child , totally inept to govern a gym class ,let alone the Greatest Nation on our planet!!
p.s.--- THANK YOU!!! MASSACHUSETTS , you became so much smarter after Teddy finally went to meet Justice!