How did life start ?

As you know I am evidence based and always have been. You are the liar and trying to wedge me in this. Don't insult me again.

drop the subject as your looking very foolish. You're a dickhead.
When it comes to God and life on earth you have no evidence or proof life on earth was not created by God and no evidence that God does not exist.
I never said that but the evidence available today puts his theory in the garbage.
He wasn't given a Nobel prize for discovering how he thought life began. Read it again idiot.
Nobody has been given a prize for demonstrating how life began on earth without God because life did not begin on earth without God.
I don't care if they worship a malignant tumour but don't tell me their faith has the power to override every scientific theory because it disagrees with the filthy Bible.

I have never said I know. What I have said and will repeat it here again for the sake of idiots like you and mark, there is no god nor did he start life. It's complete bullshit and is fairy tales. You wouldn't believe there's fairies, why believe there's a god who did everything. It makes no sense other than to godbotherers who are afraid of dying and superstitious.

If have read more books on evolution etc than most people. It is a fact and can be proven. So when talking the commencement of life, you cannot set aside all the laws of nature to accommodate some silly god. Grow up.
Evolution is not fact but don't tell evolutionist cultists that.
It's not hate, it's fact. It's not fear, it's bravery.

What is believed by idiots is an indictment on the human race and religion exacerbates it to their benefit.

If we live long enough it will be proven how life began (it's not as if they done already know) and there is no god. It makes no sense that anyone should believe anything without evidence.
That is a pastime exclusive to godbotherers.
The hope of the desperately wicked: Someday science will discover a way life could have begun on earth without God.
Ok. Prove you know there's a god.
To all those watching, this should be good. The first time in the history of man, this idiot has the proof.
Bring it on buddy.
I know there is a God because I know the universe has an origin and nothing can come from nothing without God.