the annoying thing
Well-Known Member
Lol so matter creates it's selfsYOu cannot prove either of these.
You are not actually the one who decides what the principles of science are.
What is a "miracle"? It is generally defined as something that violates the laws of the physics.
Of course, we do not yet know all the laws of physics, so we cannot accurately call any event a miracle.
For life to occur, all that needs to happen is that some chemical compound develops the ability to reproduce itself, as a virus or an amoeba does. This is an occurrence so rare that so far it has not been replicated in a laboratory. But of course, there are many factors that occur in the natural world that are not possible to occur in a lab. Intense bombardment of all possible atomic and subatomic particles in every combination.
The probability of this occurring is FAR greater than the probability that the Earth was created by an eternal being who also felt it necessary to surround the Earth with a nearly infinite assortment of solar systems, galaxies, nebulae and dark matter.
And life creates it's self explain both your claims.
You say mark can not prove his claim well you prove your claim like Trump is a drug user.