
The Heritage Foundation maintains an online database of election fraud cases in the United States and reports that there have been just over 1,200 cases of vote fraud of all forms, resulting in 1,100 criminal convictions, over the past 20 years. Of these, 204 involved the fraudulent use of absentee ballots; 143 resulted in criminal convictions.

1200 cases of voter frauds over 20 years in a county with 300,000,000 people is a very, very tiny percentage, not enough to swing more that a couple of elections at the very most.
Heritage is one source of irrefutable evidence of a long history of Democrat voting fraud, but it does not serve as the only source of fraud evidence. I have files full of fraud evidence not listed by Heritage.
One of the main and most effective slogans of the American Revolution was "NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION".
So, do undocumented immigrants pay taxes? I think they all pay sales taxes. If they own property, then they pay property taxes. If they finagle a Social Security Number, then FICA will deduct Medicare and Social Security from their earnings.

So why should they not be given representation? They are paying to support state, local and national governments.
You should be asking why Obama with full support of both houses of Congress did not fix this problem you think should have been addressed? Biden also had full support of both houses. Why did Biden not fix the problem?
And there never will get because courts don't work that way
God you are stupid

Burden of proof is on you mor.ons and you failed lol
I would say you are slow to add 2+2. You claim courts proved no voter fraud took place in 2020 while also insisting courts do not work that way.
Heritage is one source of irrefutable evidence of a long history of Democrat voting fraud, but it does not serve as the only source of fraud evidence. I have files full of fraud evidence not listed by Heritage.
Files full of bs until a court validates it lol
You are so full of sht lol
Heritage is one source of irrefutable evidence of a long history of Democrat voting fraud, but it does not serve as the only source of fraud evidence. I have files full of fraud evidence not listed by Heritage.
If Heritage had evidence that proved that Trump won, they would have published it.
But they had no such thing, and hence published only tales of minor irregularities.
We all know that you are jam-packed full of lies and propaganda.
If Heritage had evidence that proved that Trump won, they would have published it.
But they had no such thing, and hence published only tales of minor irregularities.
We all know that you are jam-packed full of lies and propaganda.
Heritage has irrefutable proof of decades of Democrat fraud. They do not have proof Trump won because nobody can prove that until all ballots have been examined and verified as legitimate.
Heritage has irrefutable proof of decades of Democrat fraud. They do not have proof Trump won because nobody can prove that until all ballots have been examined and verified as legitimate.
You mor.9ns claimed a stolen election with no credible proof
God you mor.ons are stupid

You think 150 million ballots can be individually exam8ned and verified?
God you make rocks look smart lol
You mor.9ns claimed a stolen election with no credible proof
God you mor.ons are stupid

You think 150 million ballots can be individually exam8ned and verified?
God you make rocks look smart lol
Exactly. The reason Democrats feel confident that they will continue to get away with voting fraud is because it is almost impossible to examine all the suspicious ballots to determine if they were legitimate or not. But if states demand voter IDs the voting fraud schemes will suffered a stating blows.
Heritage is one source of irrefutable evidence of a long history of Democrat voting fraud, but it does not serve as the only source of fraud evidence. I have files full of fraud evidence not listed by Heritage.
Yes, because heritage should prostrate in front of you. Yes you are full of yourself too.

All you have is assertions and questions. Never any actual evidence or argument. And this post of yours is par for the course.
Exactly. The reason Democrats feel confident that they will continue to get away with voting fraud is because it is almost impossible to examine all the suspicious ballots to determine if they were legitimate or not. But if states demand voter IDs the voting fraud schemes will suffered a stating blows.
Yes it is “impossible”. Yet a random internet poster who is likely a Russian agent has all the evidence that even heritage foundation does not have.

Your continued gaslighting might ignite all the farting that you impose on us here.
Exactly. The reason Democrats feel confident that they will continue to get away with voting fraud is because it is almost impossible to examine all the suspicious ballots to determine if they were legitimate or not. But if states demand voter IDs the voting fraud schemes will suffered a stating blows.

its not hard to examine suspicious ballots because if you know which ones are "suspicious", you can examine them. duh.
, but you wanted to examine all the ballots.
because you are a legal mor. on. lol.

dont you ever get tired of looking stupid? apparently not lol.
You should be asking why Obama with full support of both houses of Congress did not fix this problem you think should have been addressed? Biden also had full support of both houses. Why did Biden not fix the problem?
IMO there are too many racists, xenophobes, bigots, and undereducated people in us. But the good news is overall we are moving in the right direction. Example: take the case of bigotry against gays. And my guess is the same just infuriates you.