Making insults is not a substitute for an argument. It only shows that you are a troll and only resort to your venom because you have no other choice. Try and cool off and give me credible references for your (mistaken) belief that the sea level is falling this century.
Sorry guy, but I am afraid that it is you who has the onus upon him to provide credible of a 3mm per year sea level increase with a margin of error that is multiple time larger than the claim are not credible...that sort of claim is called propaganda...not science.
You are almost correct. What happens is that all frequencies of the radiation from the cold background strikes the dish and is reflected to focus on a detector. It is the detector itself that is is tuned to a series of frequencies that give data used to compute the temperature. What you say, “the temperature of the resonance radio frequency” is physical nonsense. Temperature is measured in degrees C, frequencies can be characterized by mm wavelengths. There is no such thing as a temperature of a radio frequency. You misunderstand those concepts.
Alas, faith won't make it so. The only IR radiation that is striking that dish is that which is warmer than the only moving from warm to cool and all that. If the energy from the cooler source were actually able to make itself known by striking a collector not cooled to 2.75 would read about it and present that as evidence for your claims rather than try to claim that an artificially amplified resonance radio frequency actually equals energy from a cool source moving to a warmer source. Don't feel bad, climate scientists routinely fool themselves with instruments.... It is, I suspect, because climate science being a soft science doesn't provide the necessary education for them to actually understand what the instruments they use are measuring and what they are fabricating via mathematical formulae.
I once had a guy with an actual degree in climatology (whatever that may be) try his best to argue that his IR thermometer was counting photons....imagine, an instrument actually counting theoretical particles...and the sad thing is that I believe he actually believed it. Counting photons...that is at least as silly as believing reception of a resonant radio signal and amplifying it to the extreme, and then running that through several equations is the same as actually receiving IR radiation.
Exactly! The cosmic microwave background radiation strikes the dish. The temperature of that CMB black body radiation is mathematically constructed from the intensity of the various frequencies tuned in by the detector. You got it.
Sorry guy, CMB is thermal radiation...The radio dish only receives radio signals. I know that you wish with all your heart that it were wish it so fervently that you are apparently willing to drag your intellect through miles of sewage clogged gutters in an effort to make it so...alas it won't. Radio telescopes do not measure thermal radiation. Detecting a thermal signal via resonance frequencies is a mathematical trick....not actual measurement of thermal radiation.
Why is that silly? It is well-known that thermal radiation in the mm wavelengths (very cold) strikes the dish.
It was also well know that the earth was flat...and that tectonic plate theory was hogwash...and that stress caused stomach ulcers. Lots of things have been well known...till they weren't.
Again, that is a clear measurable, reproducible example of cold radiation hitting a body hundreds of degrees warmer.
What it is clear measurable, reproducible example of climate science fooling itself, and warmer wackos with instrumentation that they don't fully understand. When CMB was first discovered, physicists didn't rush out claiming that this was an example of energy moving from cool to warm...because actual physics texts don't make the claim that such things happen. It was climate science which made the idiotic leap to claiming that CMB was evidence of back radiation....a non physical, non existent, unobservable, unmeasurable false phenomenon.