I appreciate your enthusiastic words of encouragement but I am not so sure I said that.
People may not be either gay or straight since I believe the definition is poor. People do have the ability to be attracted to both sexes. People can love both sexes. Love and sexual attraction are not the same. Two or three inches? Love should be dictated by the heart and the soul - not the flesh. Yes Chaz and his girlfriend (not wife as of May at least) Jennifer Elia are an example of enduring love.
But not all love is beautiful wherever it exist. When two adulterers fall in love I do not think that is beautiful it is an ugly destruction of the love both should have had with their first partners. Neither is sex beautiful wherever it exist. It is not beautiful when a man has sex with a child.
Is gay love beautiful? If it is not destructive to other important things. It could be but often is not. Same for straight love.
Is gay sex beautiful? Taken all by itself with no background and out of any social context - sure. But nothing is by itself with no background and no social context. I am still trying to understand my position on this but I suspect that gay sex is contrary to the ideal social order. For the same reasons so is divorce. The opposition to gay sex is blown way out of proportion by too many people. I may not think it is best but I certainly would make no law against it or try to stop people from doing it. In contrast, I would try to put restrictions on divorce. I suppose I could go on and this is clearly incomplete but in all honestly my thinking on the subject is incomplete so I am not sure what I would say. Of course part of the problem is that the traditional definition of what is gay or straight are kind of messed up.