has anyone said was was not poorly planned or a Failure? and Holder was not the one planning and running it.
Yes...Holder himself testified on May 3 to the House Judiciary Committee that he did not know who approved Fast and Furious, but that it was being investigated.
And yes I am relating it to legal gun sales...as that was part of the problem is that evry action they took was often not able to be shown Illegal in AZ. They fine a Mule with a background thats clean, give him money...He buys guns in large amounts....He legaly can buy those guns...
He signs something that says he does not intend to resell them...Unless you can prove intent here you lost already as he can change his mind 5 min after he buys and not break a law.
He Sells guns to someone else....again Legal...
The only Illegal part comes from if you can prove the conspiracy...the acts alone violate no law...or at least can not be proven to do so. Thus they tried to Wiretap the people to get them.
Now if you only knew that someone was legally buying guns and legally selling them, and republicans found out they where trying to wiretap the people...they would scream 2nd Amendment.
Ask most Republicans....should you be able to buy as many guns as you wish? Yes
Should you be able to sell those guns to someone else? Yes
Should you be able to take your guns with you if you leave the nation...Yes
All Actions needed to be taken by a gun runner would be and for the most part are Legal...In fact nut job republicans are now claiming it was all some conspiracy to toughen these laws...of cours thats a stupid idea as the issue is with the courts ruling against them and a pro gun state is not going to change. Also It was the Right making a big deal about it, not the left. Left up to the left the issue would be gone and the public would not even know what you where talking about. I have even talked to Republicans who think that Democrats shot and kill the border agent just to set everything up....Tin Foil hats all around.
The issue at hand is not gun control -- the issue at hand is how we allowed such a idiotic plan to go forward, and who is responsible for it.