Holder hits a new low

Yes. He could/should have done that long ago and did not. Now they need to make Obama pardon Holder to bring the spotlight most directly on this.

Thats why its importaint for Mitt get in that whitehouse. Cause Obama will Pardon Holder. Just like Bill Clinton pardon Marc Rich.
Yes. He could/should have done that long ago and did not. Now they need to make Obama pardon Holder to bring the spotlight most directly on this.

Nixon tried that and it had to go to the Supreme Court and they didn't let him use it. There is also a clause in the "Executive Privilege" called a waver. Like you said he should have done it a long time ago. But he waited until the eleventh hour, and allowed the hearings and the released documents to go forward, which pretty much waved his right, even if he had one in this case. This was just a ploy on Ovomits part to push this out until after the election.

The cover-up is always worse than the crime. But maybe not in this case, people died.
And Congress wanted Nixon to handover the tapes and they forced him to do it. Samething Obama must handover the rest of the doccuments.
I wounder when you guys will figure out that Bush Co ran the damn things and no one questions them...

Because if you do any research into the subject -- you quickly find "Bush Co" ran nothing of the sort -- they ran an entirely different operation, with different guidelines, and different sets of rules.


Besides since when did you guys care who got to buy and what people did with guns...

Not on subject.
Family of ICE agent (Jaime Zapata) killed in attack files wrongful death claim against US

According to the claims, two AK-47 assault rifles bought in Texas and smuggled into Mexico were used by the attackers to fire more than 90 rounds at the men. Lawyers for the agents said the government's practice of allowing U.S.-bought weapons to be taken into Mexico as part of broader gun trafficking investigations involving Mexican cartels allowed the weapons used in this case to be smuggled across the border.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/06/20/family-ice-agent-killed-in-attack-files-wrongful-death-claim-against-us/#ixzz1yaSiLAKi
Holder just got a lot lower

Fast and Furious whistleblowers now supervised by ATF manager who threatened retaliation

When the ATF whistleblowers, Special Agents John Dodson and Pete Forcelli, went public last year, Scot Thomasson headed up ATF Public Affairs. According to an eyewitness, Thomasson stated "We need to get whatever dirt we can on these guys (whistleblowers) and take them down." Now, Grassley and Issa say the agents have been put under the charge of ATF's Scot Thomasson who is Division Chief of the Firearms Operations Unit.
Thomasson was also allegedly heard to have said "ATF needs to f__k these guys." And when asked if the whistleblower allegations were true, Thomasson purportedly said he didn't know and didn't care. The accounts are contained in a May 3, 2012 House Oversight memo attached to Congress' draft contempt report against Attorney General Eric Holder.
one way OR the other. either we the people will chose to remind DC who it works for or we give them the OK to do any old thing they want.

If the latter prevails, China surpasses us in no time, our over-printed fiat currency fails in record time and the whole nation built by so many wonderful persons and with great sacrifice--will vanish from the Earth.

THAT is what is at stake.

We turned the nation over to our most ignorant, uninspired and incompetent clods in 2006 and 2008 and now the chickens are coming home to roost.
They think they will just seize the wealthy people's money and pass it out down at the crack-house and everyone gets a free ride.
This is the kind of stupidity and brain-dead people who are in the democrat party now.
They must be crushed underfoot, completely.
And the Constitution restored.
If the latter prevails, China surpasses us in no time, our over-printed fiat currency fails in record time and the whole nation built by so many wonderful persons and with great sacrifice--will vanish from the Earth.

THAT is what is at stake.

We turned the nation over to our most ignorant, uninspired and incompetent clods in 2006 and 2008 and now the chickens are coming home to roost.
They think they will just seize the wealthy people's money and pass it out down at the crack-house and everyone gets a free ride.
This is the kind of stupidity and brain-dead people who are in the democrat party now.
They must be crushed underfoot, completely.
And the Constitution restored.

it seriously is a real crossroads we find ourselves at. all predicted in the last presidential election of course but trumped by misguided hope and change.

one term has been a disaster, I hate to think of what two will cause.
it seriously is a real crossroads we find ourselves at. all predicted in the last presidential election of course but trumped by misguided hope and change.

one term has been a disaster, I hate to think of what two will cause.

Two terms would bring either the foundation of inevitable disaster and ruin--or--perhaps the seeds of severe and quite ugly civil unrest that could get really, really, ugly--really, really fast--especially with a huge southern border WIDE OPEN and completely undefended by anyone but the common folks and Patriots that might arise.

There ARE dark forces massing to the south, and anyone who does not realize it is less than competent.
Two terms would bring either the foundation of inevitable disaster and ruin--or--perhaps the seeds of severe and quite ugly civil unrest that could get really, really, ugly--really, really fast--especially with a huge southern border WIDE OPEN and completely undefended by anyone but the common folks and Patriots that might arise.

There ARE dark forces massing to the south, and anyone who does not realize it is less than competent.

its basically undefended now, I'm afraid that ship sailed generations ago. a big part of our problems in fact. but full depression will put us in the same shape as Zimbabwe.

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