Hola: Boehner prepares to push amnesty bill through House


Staff member
Apr 20, 2007
The Golden State
Hola: Boehner prepares to push amnesty bill through House

House Speaker John A. Boehner announced Tuesday that he has hired a longtime advocate of legalizing illegal immigrants to be an adviser, signaling that the Republican is still intent on trying to pass an immigration bill during this congressional session.

Immigrant rights advocates cheered the move as a sign of Mr. Boehner’s dedication to action. Those who want a crackdown on illegal immigration said the top Republican in the House has moved closer to embracing amnesty by hiring Rebecca Tallent, a former staffer for Sen. John McCain and fellow Arizona Republican Jim Kolbe.

Wasn't amnesty something that the Democrats were pushing for? Has Boehner jumped ship?

did reagan and the bush boys jump ship ? gop wants to take a swing at claiming the hispanic vote.

Yes that is true, but they won't be successful. They might put themselves in the minority forever. The Rs will lose their base, which is already leaving them, if they push amnesty and they will not win the Hispanic vote...so it is a lose lose proposition for them, but they are not smart enough to figure that out. It is also a lose for the nation, but then, national interest is secondary to the welfare of the party...for both parties.
Yes that is true, but they won't be successful. They might put themselves in the minority forever. The Rs will lose their base, which is already leaving them, if they push amnesty and they will not win the Hispanic vote...so it is a lose lose proposition for them, but they are not smart enough to figure that out. It is also a lose for the nation, but then, national interest is secondary to the welfare of the party...for both parties.

That is the reason for the single digit approval rating of Congress. People have figured them out.

Why the Rs haven't figured out that their previous strategy of blaming the D's for amnesty while doing squat to end illegal immigration wasn't the best for the welfare of their party, I'm not sure.
Yes that is true, but they won't be successful. They might put themselves in the minority forever. The Rs will lose their base, which is already leaving them, if they push amnesty and they will not win the Hispanic vote...so it is a lose lose proposition for them, but they are not smart enough to figure that out. It is also a lose for the nation, but then, national interest is secondary to the welfare of the party...for both parties.
Christie won the hispanic vote and rode it to a huge win. Hes not much of a conservative but not much of a socialist either
Both parties are leftist parties .... rest assured .... amnesty is coming!

If the Rs vote for amnesty, they will have shot themselves in the head once again...only this time I hope it is fatal.

If they go for amnesty, many believe Texas, the last big electoral state Rs control, will go democrat in presidential elections. Should that happen, it is likely the Rs never win another presidential election. The silver lining in all this, might be the R party finally dies altogether and a new party based truly on conservative/libertarian principles rises.
If the Rs vote for amnesty, they will have shot themselves in the head once again...only this time I hope it is fatal.

If they go for amnesty, many believe Texas, the last big electoral state Rs control, will go democrat in presidential elections. Should that happen, it is likely the Rs never win another presidential election. The silver lining in all this, might be the R party finally dies altogether and a new party based truly on conservative/libertarian principles rises.
We have had such parties for generations and they areclimited if effectiveness to regional races.