Hey, Obama your men are DYING!!!

I can't prove this one but we can ask if all he wants is a public option to complete with the private why does he stack the deck against the private and give unfair advantages to the public?

Why were there provisions in the bill for people to be involuntarily moved to the public option and why is it that once a person is on the public option they can never move off of it?

Isn't the answer that he wants the private option to shrink and the public option to grow and take over?

His actions are consistent with the statement that was called a lie.

There is nothing about his actions which are inconsistent with the statement that was called a lie.

OBAMA , THE "WIND of PARIAH" , blowing evil over our land and destroying our Nation. "SHOOTING HOOPS while seeing DYING TROOPS", Obama's reaction, "I'll think about it" None of the dead are related to obama ! What a leader!
Why were there provisions in the bill for people to be involuntarily moved to the public option...
You LIE!!

....and why is it that once a person is on the public option they can never move off of it?
You LIE!!


Isn't the answer that he wants the private option to shrink and the public option to grow and take over?
Hey....people are gonna go after the be$t-deal!!!

It's called CAPITALI$M!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ya' ever HEAR OF IT??!!!!!!!!!!!

Here ya' go, always.

As usual.....you're WRONG.


"The legislation wouldnt require anyone to switch health insurance – though, in most cases, plans would eventually have to meet minimum benefit standards. The bills dont require anyone to join the federal plan."

Face facts....Porky Limbaugh is STILL lying to you.​
"U.S. military chiefs plan to present recommendations on troop strength and strategy in Afghanistan to President Barack Obama on Friday as White House deliberations reach an end stagehttp://www.reuters.com/article/GCA-Afghanistan-Pakistan/idUSTRE59J59D20091029, Pentagon officials said.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen, and Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General James Cartwright will be joined at the White House meeting by leaders of the Army, Marine Corps., Navy and Air Force, a sign Obama was delving into details of troop readiness and availability before deciding on numbers.

"They will present those views to the president, collectively and individually," an official said. "The chiefs' views in regard to resources will be an important factor."

Pentagon Press Secretary Geoff Morrell described the strategy review as "at the end stages" and said the White House had made clear it wanted to wait until after Afghanistan's November 7 presidential run-off election before making final announcements.

After visiting Dover Air Force Base overnight to witness the arrival of the flag-draped caskets of 18 soldiers and federal agents killed in Afghanistan this week, Obama told reporters: "Obviously the burden that both our troops and our families bear in any wartime situation is going to bear on how I see these conflicts."

Ya' never caught those boys at BUSHCO gettin' all distracted by that, there body-count-stuff!!!!!
Ya' never caught those boys at BUSHCO gettin' all distracted by that, there body-count-stuff!!!!!

OBAMA!! My plan to increase our GDP is to increase our SPENDING on CASKETS for our Military. Caskets for our military is next to my budget item of BASKETBALL POLES , Sneakers , Basketballs and Nets. I will sacrifice everything except my Golf and my BASKETBALL. These are needed tools to take my mind off all the MISERY I have caused. My plans have worked so well is just ten months that EUROPE looks good to our citizens. Soon they may leave and start living the good life in Europe and Asia , and the Middle east . I understand my brother in Kenya is leasing his Hut on a time share deal. Part of my "SAVE a CAVE" program for disadvantaged families.
All of the cute language and sound bites aside...they're right. I just talked to a Marine who was stationed there and his comment is; back us up or back us out! I'm not there, so I have to follow the opinion of first hand experience.

You guys have gotten a bit self absorbed. I don't care about Bush, he is gone. It's not about the current President being a liar. They're all politicians what do you expect. The real question in what's our strategy in Afghanistan and what is taking so long to implement it. This has been a issue since he took office. It's not like it just popped up yesterday.

Please read the Marine's comment above. He lived it and we are all just sitting on our Lazy-Boys, including the President. It's time to make a decision. This is the tough part of being the President, man-up! This is why you make the big bucks.
You guys have gotten a bit self absorbed. I don't care about Bush, he is gone. It's not about the current President being a liar. They're all politicians what do you expect. The real question in what's our strategy in Afghanistan and what is taking so long to implement it. This has been a issue since he took office. It's not like it just popped up yesterday.

Please read the Marine's comment above. He lived it and we are all just sitting on our Lazy-Boys, including the President. It's time to make a decision. This is the tough part of being the President, man-up! This is why you make the big bucks.

It's easy to Arm Chair quarterback now a days. I wish we could all make so easy a decision as this one. I mean it's only a couple of thousands of troops right? So what's the big deal. Let's show support for that corrupted government over there while where at it too. I mean it's comments like this that I wish the pentagon would MAN UP and ask for a draft. I want to see how many of you so called patriots line up to get drafted. Better yet I want to see the same group of people get deferments for themselves or for their kids just to make sure they don't get drafted. I SAY DRAFT NOW......To hell with this volunteer BULL ****. Ban me all you want I don't give a damn I said and I don't regret it.....
Originally Posted by TheFranklinParty All of the cute language and sound bites aside...they're right. I just talked to a Marine who was stationed there and his comment is; back us up or back us out! I'm not there, so I have to follow the opinion of first hand experience.
1. For each and every comment, such as that, that you might hear from 'someone' that was there; there will be the flip side opinion that "I'm here acting as a M.P., not what I was trained to do, not what I was sent over there to do, but it is what I'm told to do" Not all of the service people serving/dieing/getting wounded believe that the 'END JUSTIFY THE MEANS' :mad:
You guys have gotten a bit self absorbed. I don't care about Bush, he is gone. It's not about the current President being a liar. They're all politicians what do you expect. The real question in what's our strategy in Afghanistan and what is taking so long to implement it. This has been a issue since he took office. It's not like it just popped up yesterday.

Please read the Marine's comment above. He lived it and we are all just sitting on our Lazy-Boys, including the President. It's time to make a decision. This is the tough part of being the President, man-up! This is why you make the big bucks.

2. "THIS IS THE TOUGH PART...."; Ya, right, unless each and every American would gladly change places with any of the active service personnel over there {no excuses/no reasonable "can't go/can't serve/can't fight" will be tolerated} then you really/truly don't GET IT and for that one reason you are clueless about the 'TOUGH DECISIONS and why he gets the BIG BUCKS" ;)
Actually the President doesn't make that much money considering his station.

When Washington was negotiating to remain in the service of the country, he said that he would be paid as President to the sum of $25,000. In terms of money today, that's a million dollars or so.

We pay our President's a paltry sum today.
It's easy to Arm Chair quarterback now a days. I wish we could all make so easy a decision as this one. I mean it's only a couple of thousands of troops right? So what's the big deal. Let's show support for that corrupted government over there while where at it too. I mean it's comments like this that I wish the pentagon would MAN UP and ask for a draft. I want to see how many of you so called patriots line up to get drafted. Better yet I want to see the same group of people get deferments for themselves or for their kids just to make sure they don't get drafted. I SAY DRAFT NOW......To hell with this volunteer BULL ****. Ban me all you want I don't give a damn I said and I don't regret it.....

The Pres said he would send more troops and he did send in about 20k more. now the general wants an additional 40K.

The problem is that with 60k more troops even if the only cause of death is heart attacks and accidents the number coming home in body bags will be more than under Bush.
The Pres said he would send more troops and he did send in about 20k more. now the general wants an additional 40K.

The problem is that with 60k more troops even if the only cause of death is heart attacks and accidents the number coming home in body bags will be more than under Bush.
Fortunately, for us, God is on our side, so...at least...those won't be Lives, wasted.

Ask ANY Chickenhawk!!!!

It's amazing how those who supported the lyingest administration of all time BUSH/CHENEY where thousands of our finest brave men & women were sacrificed for their shear incompetence and greed... a lust for Nation Building and the hope of some cheap oil.

That they have the unmitigated gall to whine, bellyache and complain like little school girls not asked to the dance because we finally have a very good President that is thoughtful, methodical and smart and refuses to do what his fraudulent predecessors did and just shoot from the hip, but instead takes the time needed to make the best overall reasoned decision on how we should proceed.

I say screw the losing haters if they're really that Un-American and couldn't care less about the lives of our men & women in uniform.

Thank you President Obama.

I say screw the losing haters if they're really that Un-American and couldn't care less about the lives of our men & women in uniform.
I still do every chance I get. Your lib ilk treated our boys in Viet Nam even worse when they returned, and even while they were there. But of course THAT was different.

It's amazing how those who supported the lyingest administration of all time BUSH/CHENEY where thousands of our finest brave men & women were sacrificed for their shear incompetence and greed... a lust for Nation Building and the hope of some cheap oil.

Your never ending blathering about your everyday conservative supporting the Bush/Cheney administration is just a flat out LIE! Grow up and get a new viable argument.

You know Top Gun, Billy Jack would consider you the enemy. He wasn't for big government ya' know......
It's amazing how those who supported the lyingest administration of all time BUSH/CHENEY where thousands of our finest brave men & women were sacrificed for their shear incompetence and greed... a lust for Nation Building and the hope of some cheap oil.

That they have the unmitigated gall to whine, bellyache and complain like little school girls not asked to the dance because we finally have a very good President that is thoughtful, methodical and smart and refuses to do what his fraudulent predecessors did and just shoot from the hip, but instead takes the time needed to make the best overall reasoned decision on how we should proceed.
Think about it.....after spending their entire-lives, thriving-on-boredom....Lil' Dumbya delivered the excitement they CRAVED!!!!!


As-far-as the body-count (thru Dover) goes....it's merely an extension of their attitude towards the Death Penalty; if we take-out a few innocents, to get all of the guilty-people, so WHAT??!!!


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