How could anyone look at and listen to Trump and not conclude that the guy is not right in the head? Or heart for that matter.
The other day a commentator on tv mentioned that Trump has never said anything nice about his parents, who are both dead. I will go further, has Trump ever shown a softer side? The black guy, godfather pizza ceo I the think, who supported Trump got Covid from Trump and died. I do not recall Trump showing any remorse or sorrow or compassion. Often people criticize when others compare Trump to jitter. Of course Trump has not done deeds as horrible as hitler. But in my humble opinion Trump is more evil than hitler. Long after 5 young blacks were found innocent by dna and were released, Trump kept advocating for their executions. In fact he never expressed anything regret for that and still doubles down on that claim. I would think that hitler would not do such a horrible thing.