Hello again


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2007
Hello again.

I didn’t mean to make such an abrupt exit. I have been in the process of moving since last September. The new place was finished and the city satisfied few days before Christmas; I wasn’t yet ready to make the move but I figured that with the holidays it would take AT&T a while to transfer my phone service so I went ahead an placed the order. The next thing I knew it was only 24 hours later and the new service was ready and the old service was cancelled. Then with the bitter cold we have been having (how much of this 22 degree global warming is a native Floridian supposed to have to put up with?) I went ahead and made the move sooner than I was ready and I have spent the past week unpacking.

I don’t want to simply abandon all of the threads I was participating in so I will try to get caught up.

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