Harris clearly and deliberately lied about inflation numbers under Trump but leftist media outlets refuse to report that

It's stupid if you are a moooron

US could have averted 40% of Covid deaths, says panel examining Trump's policies

Poor Biden, according to dummies. He promised to save Americans from covid if elected but found out after elected that he couldn't do squat because of Trump and bleach.
Poor Biden, according to dummies. He promised to save Americans from covid if elected but found out after elected that he couldn't do squat because of Trump and bleach.
Deflection from trumps failure as documented 8n the link you obviously were too lazy and stupid to read lol
God you are stupid
Deflection from trumps failure as documented 8n the link you obviously were too lazy and stupid to read lol
God you are stupid
Biden is stupid and wicked for blaming covid deaths oin Trump in 2020 and blaming even more 2021 covid deaths on Trump. Democrats say the stupidest things to advance their party by dishonesty.
Biden is stupid and wicked for blaming covid deaths oin Trump in 2020 and blaming even more 2021 covid deaths on Trump. Democrats say the stupidest things to advance their party by dishonesty.
The article had nothing to do with Biden blaming Trump
Why do you insist on being so stupid lol
The article had nothing to do with Biden blaming Trump
Why do you insist on being so stupid lol
For every leftist propaganda piece that does not blame Trump for deaths caused by the Fauci virus there are many that do dishonestly blame Trump for things that were not his fault or responsibility.
Jobs were lost to the China virus because fearful democrats essentially shut everything down.
Show the evidence.

The US deficit and debt skyrocketed under democrat budgeting and increased spending the democrats blamed on the dempanic China virus fiasco.
Check trumps financial management. Idiot.
The inflation caused by the excessive democrat budget spending caused inflation to skyrocket erasing the years of low inflation and prices under Trump's first 3 years.

And so much more.
You don't even know what caused the inflation. Stick with that Bible son.
For every leftist propaganda piece that does not blame Trump for deaths caused by the Fauci virus there are many that do dishonestly blame Trump for things that were not his fault or responsibility.
Prove it's a leftist propaganda piece lying moooron
God you are stupid lol
Only the slow and ignorant are still unaware of the key roles Fauci and Bill Gates played in creating the covid virus that idiots like to dishonestly blame Trump for.
Under the assumption I am slow and ignorant, show me the evidence they created it. I know you can't but ask god to get you the evidence idiot.
Show the evidence.

Check trumps financial management. Idiot.

You don't even know what caused the inflation. Stick with that Bible son.
Lefties are not known for being fiscal geniuses. Many leftist politicians are still not aware that overspending government money can lead to disasters like hyperinflation and bankruptcy.
Under the assumption I am slow and ignorant, show me the evidence they created it. I know you can't but ask god to get you the evidence idiot.

A full two years after Wuhan hosted the 2019 Military World Games, determined by House Foreign Affairs Republicans to be one of the planet's first superspreader events of the novel coronavirus pandemic, a top official at the National Institutes of Health has conceded that contrary to the repeated assertions of Dr. Anthony Fauci, the NIH did indeed fund highly dangerous gain-of-function research on bat-borne coronaviruses in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.


https://www.gatesfoundation.org/about/committed-grants/2018/11/opp1199760 Nov. 2018

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Committed grants

Wuhan University

Grantee website Wuhan, Hubei, China