Well-Known Member
Today is the 4 year anniversary of my arrival here at the HOP! 
Walter, thanks for all you do in providing this forum for all of us. Moderators, past and present, thanks for all you do in helping to keep the conversations civil (a trait sadly lacking from most political forums). And last but certainly not least, I'd also like to thank all the rest of the forum members, past and present, for making this a fun and informative venue for discussing politics over the years. I have learned a great deal and had fun in the process - you guys (and gals) are the reason this site is so awesome.

Walter, thanks for all you do in providing this forum for all of us. Moderators, past and present, thanks for all you do in helping to keep the conversations civil (a trait sadly lacking from most political forums). And last but certainly not least, I'd also like to thank all the rest of the forum members, past and present, for making this a fun and informative venue for discussing politics over the years. I have learned a great deal and had fun in the process - you guys (and gals) are the reason this site is so awesome.