Stephen Eldridge
Steve it's interesting how you love posting up links to biased sites that you parrot and bemoan.others who just read the legislation and theory from the source.
Not that you care but I'm not personally invested in ft flat tax or any other scheme. What we have is a carefully crafted mess written by the wealthy to protect the wealthy and enable the pols to buy votes to save the wealthy from buying new politicians. I would love to see something simpler that limits vote buying. I seriously doubt it can happen so I don't lose sleep fretting. But I do known the data us there that makes all this not only possible but easy.
Truly, you puzzle me.
You makes statements of fact that have no basis in truth or reality.
I post links to MY OWN professional research, NOT to supposedly "biased" sites (and you have no way of knowing whether or not they are "biased" because you obviously have not bothered to even read those sites nor tried to absorb the analyses that I have offered there.
The "others" you note (i.e., FAIRtax Zombies") do not ever READ the FAIRtax statute (they are superficial AND do not possess the professional skills to read and understand the statute), they can only skim the FAIRtax propaganda which sounds good to their superficial, amateur, simple minds.
I fully agree that today's Income Tax is a mess and my VERY Flat Income Tax would fix its problems (while eliminating the tax profession).
What is the "data" that you claim makes all of "this" (what is "this") possible and easy?
Until tomorrow.