Stephen Eldridge
Being a tax professional perhaps you could share some of these creative means of concealing sales?
The underworld underpass SS as well as income tax. Not with FAIRtax.
Sellers will simply NOT report many sales. They will under-report their purchases. Sellers will be pushed to cheat to a degree heretofore unknown, by the 30-45% combined FAIRtax + S/L sales tax rates. There will be completely illegal (cash) sellers (think Tony Soprano selling from a stolen truck).
AND, please do not ignore the immense legal market in tax avoidance, which will also flower.
Thus, the FAIRtax (which is supposed to fund SS/medicare) will be GREATLY short of its target revenues. So much so that the shortfall can be made up ONLY with a NEW Income Tax. See!the-myth-that-the-irs-is-abolished-/c1tu0yth