Great Jobb by giggles and Joe .

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
below is thread I want to thank liberals for you should go to this thread and read it and enjoy.

I had a lug nut tell me there was no problem with Venezuela illegals , lets look at what JOE and giggles gave us.

Yes we owe Joe and Giggles a big thank you for hand picking and vetting the background of all the great illegals they have let in. Why with out their tireless work and dedication tom making America a better nation,
The hard work they did on vetting illegals has resulted in other nations sending their best so much indeed that one nations crime wen down, now that was a smart move.
The cost of illegals before joe took office was about 150 billion a year before joe opened the doors IM sure its close to doubled by now and that great noting like having to borrow a few hundred billion for other to pay for no Americans needs when we have AMerican Indians living lie 3rd world and some very poor people din black community's and of course our veteran's not like a family of 4 illegals betting more benefits then vets is great also why worry about our wounded veterans when you have illegals to spend your money on millions of them.
Lol you sure obsess about this to duplicate a thread you already whined extensively in
Lol you sure obsess about this to duplicate a thread you already whined extensively in
NO its not a duplicate .

Here is another one of those people that JOE and Giggles vetted for your pleasure. Yes indeed a simple check would of reveled he was wanted for murder. But Joe and Giggles wanted the flow to flow and actually checking on them would slow that down and prevent millions from coming inn and he's sent the best of the best to us.
Yes lug nut thinks this is just a copy of another thread but nope its not it is using the other thread .
Lug nut how do you think the family's of those raped and murdered by illegals should be compensated after all democrats are responsible . Should they have to pay say 3 million to ever rape and murder ?

After all it wasn't their fault a illegal killed or raped them ,its the fault of who ever let them in without proper vetting .
And should that in its self be a crime when you knowing unleash millions of illegals into the nation knowing full well many are criminals, terror suspects and you failed to vet them?
Isnt that NEGELENCE or severe stupidity at best.
And you let them in knowing they will cost your nation billions of dollars when you have some Americas living in 3rd world conditions right at home whom liberals will not do sht for because they are to buy borrowing billions of dollars to take care of illegals over AMEIICANS