Government J-6 violence inciter Ray Epps gets hand slap for his violence on J-6 while peaceful innocent Grandma gets the book thrown at her

Rebecca Lavrenz, a 71-year-old great-grandmother from Falcon, Colorado, was convicted on all four federal misdemeanor charges for trespassing the US Capitol on 06 Jan 2021.
Trespassing. Already said many times
God you are stupid
I don't think visiting the Capitol building is trespassing. What did Grandma do to deserve thousands of dollars in fines and years in jail, come in the wrong door that had guards ushering people inside instead of having closed signs posted?
I don't think visiting the Capitol building is trespassing. What did Grandma do to deserve thousands of dollars in fines and years in jail, come in the wrong door that had guards ushering people inside instead of having closed signs posted?
What you think doesnt matter, arrogant legal moooron stop defending right wing crooks
Rebecca Lavrenz, a 71-year-old great-grandmother from Falcon, Colorado, was convicted on all four federal misdemeanor charges for trespassing the US Capitol on 06 Jan 2021.
I Googled: "What notices did the Capitol police post to notify the public that the Capitol was off limits to visitors on Jan 6, 2021?" I was not able to find any evidence that any notice had been given. That makes it clearly unjust for democrats to charge visitors that day with trespassing, especially those visitors ushered in through doors manned by Capitol police officers.

Rebecca was sentenced to jail and fined more that $200,000 for unwittingly allowing herself to get caught in the democrat fake sedition entrapment scheme. She was brutally abused by the corrupt democrat political system.
Demmies slander the praying Grandma with hateful vulgarity while celebrating democrat women advocating for the destruction of the police, the 'white man,' the 'rich,' and the conservativce Christian.
Praying my arse. She's just another old ratbag like you.
I Googled: "What notices did the Capitol police post to notify the public that the Capitol was off limits to visitors on Jan 6, 2021?" I was not able to find any evidence that any notice had been given. That makes it clearly unjust for democrats to charge visitors that day with trespassing, especially those visitors ushered in through doors manned by Capitol police officers.

Rebecca was sentenced to jail and fined more that $200,000 for unwittingly allowing herself to get caught in the democrat fake sedition entrapment scheme. She was brutally abused by the corrupt democrat political system.
Lol why would you expect Google to tell you that
Lol why would you expect Google to tell you that
I ask Google if there is any evidence that Capitol police provided proper notification that the Capitol was off-limits to visitation that day because I have not found any evidence that any notification had been given. Do you think notice was given? Have you any evidence that proper notifications were given? If not why are democrats jailing people who visited the Capitol that day and were allowed inside through doors held open by Capitol police officers?
Obviously you didn't read the article. She pleaded guilty and the judge described the circumstances. Why don't you check these before you make a goat of yourself?

Here's the decision so piss off with your god shit.

Armageddon Prose

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Peaceful ‘J6 Granny’ Gets the Federal Shaft in Sentencing​

Ben Bartee
Sep 13, 2024

“Every decent man is ashamed of the government he lives under.”

H. L. Mencken
I covered this over at PJ Media earlier today.

As punishment for taking a 27-minute nonviolent tour of the Capitol on January 6th, 2021, after being granted permission to enter by cops on site, grandmother and friend of Armageddon Prose Karen Jones has, over three years after the alleged insurrection and many thousands of retirement dollars squandered on defense attorneys, been sentenced to a three-year probation/house arrest regime — for a single misdemeanor charge of “Entering or Remaining in a Restricted Building or Grounds.”

Related: My Good Friend Just Got Indicted on Bogus Jan 6 Charges (Three Years Later)

The court acknowledged her lack of criminal history, the absence of evidence that she committed any violence at the Capitol, and that she did not enter any private areas of the Capitol.

Nevertheless, the judge strapped her with an ankle monitor, charged her $3,000, and threw her on probation for three years with drug tests and home visits from the officer whenever it so pleases the state.

From the court ruling (emphasis added):

“Defendant was sentenced to a term of 36 months’ probation, with a special condition of 90 days’ home detention… a $2,500 criminal fine, and $500 in restitution on her plea of guilty to a charge of Entering or Remaining in a Restricted Building or Grounds… a Class A Misdemeanor. While no evidence shows that this defendant a) engaged in pre-planning for violence on January 6, 2021, b) entered any private offices or spaces within the Capitol building or (c) personally attacked any police officer

damage or steal property while inside or outside the Capitol building
, and taking into account her minimal criminal history, age, and physical condition, her offense conduct warranted the sentence imposed.”
Obviously you didn't read the article. She pleaded guilty and the judge described the circumstances. Why don't you check these before you make a goat of yourself?

Here's the decision so piss off with your god shit.

Armageddon Prose

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Peaceful ‘J6 Granny’ Gets the Federal Shaft in Sentencing​

Ben Bartee
Sep 13, 2024

I covered this over at PJ Media earlier today.

As punishment for taking a 27-minute nonviolent tour of the Capitol on January 6th, 2021, after being granted permission to enter by cops on site, grandmother and friend of Armageddon Prose Karen Jones has, over three years after the alleged insurrection and many thousands of retirement dollars squandered on defense attorneys, been sentenced to a three-year probation/house arrest regime — for a single misdemeanor charge of “Entering or Remaining in a Restricted Building or Grounds.”

Related: My Good Friend Just Got Indicted on Bogus Jan 6 Charges (Three Years Later)

The court acknowledged her lack of criminal history, the absence of evidence that she committed any violence at the Capitol, and that she did not enter any private areas of the Capitol.

Nevertheless, the judge strapped her with an ankle monitor, charged her $3,000, and threw her on probation for three years with drug tests and home visits from the officer whenever it so pleases the state.

From the court ruling (emphasis added):
Did you not see the leftist plant wearing the MAGA hat urging reluctant people to enter into the Capitol so they could be misrepresented as anarchists according to the lying democrat sedition narratives? The democrat feds refused to arrest Epps for 3 years but finally yielded to growing pressure from the public and arrested him and 'slapped' him with a very minimal token fine and meaningless house arrest for a very short period of time.
Did you not see the leftist plant wearing the MAGA hat urging reluctant people to enter into the Capitol so they could be misrepresented as anarchists according to the lying democrat sedition narratives? The democrat feds refused to arrest Epps for 3 years but finally yielded to growing pressure from the public and arrested him and 'slapped' him with a very minimal token fine and meaningless house arrest for a very short period of time.
Trumps ratbags were prosecuted and went to jail. End of story.

You're having a lot of trouble justifying all those pathetic excuses. Get over it boy. He's old news.
Trumps ratbags were prosecuted and went to jail. End of story.

You're having a lot of trouble justifying all those pathetic excuses. Get over it boy. He's old news.
Democrats ignore the overwhelming evidence revealing the fact that Jan 6 was a democrat setup involving democrat incitement of violence to further dishonestly blame Trump and hide their massive 2020 voting fraud.
I ask Google if there is any evidence that Capitol police provided proper notification that the Capitol was off-limits to visitation that day because I have not found any evidence that any notification had been given. Do you think notice was given? Have you any evidence that proper notifications were given? If not why are democrats jailing people who visited the Capitol that day and were allowed inside through doors held open by Capitol police officers?
Your lack of success proves nothing
Evidence is given 8n the trial did you consult the trial records directly? Prove you did
Democrats ignore the overwhelming evidence

You're the only one who saw it.
revealing the fact that Jan 6 was a democrat setup involving democrat incitement of violence to further dishonestly blame Trump and hide their massive 2020 voting fraud.
It was Trump who claimed the fraud.

But it doesn't matter now. The charges have been laid and we'll see.

If Harris wins you'll see how good she is at prosecuting. Trump will be in jail.

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