GOP Billboard

Hey, I'm still waiting...where is that elusive black Republican governor or congressman? C'mon now, in a party as "inclusive" as the GOP there must be at least one.

I am still unsure why it is racist if a black person loses an election?
the fact remains that presently there is not even one elected black governor, senator or house member from the Republican Party.--Your original goal post

Ok, I understand you cannot admit you lied... so you're moving the goal post by specifying federal level. Thats pretty much what I expect from you anyway.

Moving the goalpost, also known as raising the bar or the moving goalpost, is an informal logically fallacious argument in which evidence presented in response to a specific claim is dismissed and some other (often greater) evidence is demanded. In other words, after an attempt has been made to score a goal, the goalposts are moved to exclude the attempt. This attempts to leave the impression that an argument had a fair hearing while actually reaching a preordained conclusion.

Popeye said:
Meanwhile the fact remains that presently there is not even one elected black governor, senator or house member from the Republican Party.

That quote looks pretty clear to me. The fact remains you can't find even one, I'm sure you looked, so you are attempting to deflect. Show me one, just one governor or congressman will do. Otherwise admit I'm right.
Let us look at how racist the Republican Party is:

1) The Republican Party was founded by anti-slavery activists.

2) Abe Lincoln (Republican) freed the slaves.

3) 1898 - Democrats murder black republicans in North Carolina

4) 1922 - Democrats in the Senate fillibuster the Republican attempt to make lynching a federal crime.

5) FDR (Democrat) put former Klansman Hugo Black on the Surpreme Court.

6) Eisenhower (Republican) sent soldiers to Little Rock to integrate the schools.

7) George Wallace (Democrat) stands in the doorway promising segregation forever.

8) Bull Connor (Democrat) turns fire hoses and dogs on civil rights protesters.

9) 82% of Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 compared with 64% of Democrats.

10) Democrats receive upwards of 90% of the Black vote in many cases, but complain that no blacks represent Republican areas.

11) Democrats throw Oreo cookies at Maryland's Senatorial candidate Steele and continually make claims of "Uncle Tom" anytime a Republican is black.

Yale Study:
"...(W)hite Republicans nationally are 25 percentage points more likely on average to vote for the Democratic senatorial candidate when the GOP hopeful is black. ...In House races, white Democrats are 38 percentage points less likely to vote Democratic if their candidate is black."

Standford Study:
"But for Democrats, race mattered -- and in a disturbing way. Overall, Democrats were willing to give whites about $1,500 more than they chose to give to a black or other minority...." Republicans are likely to be more stringent, both in terms of money and time, Iyengar said. "However, their position is 'principled' in the sense that it stems from a strong belief in individualism (as opposed to handouts). Thus their responses to the assistance questions are relatively invariant across the different media conditions. Independents and Democrats, on the other hand, are more likely to be affected by racial cues."

But I guess we are all just a bunch of rich white racists over here right? :rolleyes:
Let us look at how racist the Republican Party is:

1) The Republican Party was founded by anti-slavery activists.

2) Abe Lincoln (Republican) freed the slaves.

3) 1898 - Democrats murder black republicans in North Carolina

4) 1922 - Democrats in the Senate fillibuster the Republican attempt to make lynching a federal crime.

5) FDR (Democrat) put former Klansman Hugo Black on the Surpreme Court.

6) Eisenhower (Republican) sent soldiers to Little Rock to integrate the schools.

7) George Wallace (Democrat) stands in the doorway promising segregation forever.

8) Bull Connor (Democrat) turns fire hoses and dogs on civil rights protesters.

9) 82% of Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 compared with 64% of Democrats.

10) Democrats receive upwards of 90% of the Black vote in many cases, but complain that no blacks represent Republican areas.

11) Democrats throw Oreo cookies at Maryland's Senatorial candidate Steele and continually make claims of "Uncle Tom" anytime a Republican is black.

Yale Study:

Standford Study:

But I guess we are all just a bunch of rich white racists over here right? :rolleyes:

Outside of numbers 10 & 11 your list is totally comprised of events which took place before Richard Nixon and the Republican Party began to employ the 'southern strategy."

To quote Nixon strategist Kevin Phillips:

From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that... but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats."

And that's where we remain today.
Yeah, and of course Poopeye and the rest of the Dim-O-Craps just can't seem to remember Secretary of State Colin Powell, National Security Adviser and later Secretary of State Condi Rice, Housing Secretary Alfonso Jackson; Education Secretary Rod Paige, or any of the dozens of other Blacks who were appointed by the Bush Administration to some of the top jobs in the country.

And how many were in the Clinton White House (that weren't cleaning up around the place)?
Yeah, and of course Poopeye and the rest of the Dim-O-Craps just can't seem to remember Secretary of State Colin Powell, National Security Adviser and later Secretary of State Condi Rice, Housing Secretary Alfonso Jackson; Education Secretary Rod Paige, or any of the dozens of other Blacks who were appointed by the Bush Administration to some of the top jobs in the country.

And how many were in the Clinton White House (that weren't cleaning up around the place)?

Great a new victim, maybe you can show me one currently serving black Republican governor or congressman. I don't want to hear about some appointment or Powell, Rice and Thomas, I want to know if there are any black Republican governors or congressmen.

Lets see, there are 50 gubernatorial positions, 435 house members and 100 senators...that adds up to 585 positions. Are you telling me there's not even one black Republican among them?
Lets see, there are 50 gubernatorial positions, 435 house members and 100 senators...that adds up to 585 positions. Are you telling me there's not even one black Republican among them?

You don't even afford Black Republicans the respect they deserve... What do you call them? House somethings.... Uncle someones... Thats how you guys described Powell, Rice and EVERY other Black Republican.
You don't even afford Black Republicans the respect they deserve... What do you call them? House somethings.... Uncle someones... Thats how you guys described Powell, Rice and EVERY other Black Republican.

Translation: you can't find one, not even one black Republican governor or congressman, 585 positions and not one is filled by a black Republican. Numbers don't lie, my point has been made....racism is alive and well within today's GOP.
Translation: you can't find one, not even one black Republican governor or congressman, 585 positions and not one is filled by a black Republican. Numbers don't lie, my point has been made....racism is alive and well within today's GOP.

Thats not an argument of logic... You ignore the numbers completely in order to come to that conclusion.

Base rate fallacy: using weak evidence to make a probability judgment without taking into account known empirical statistics about the probability.

Blacks are 13% of the population, about 40 million people. Over 75% of Blacks are diehard Democrat supporters which leaves just 25% of blacks as Republicans = 10 million Black Republicans.

Confirmation bias: the tendency to search for or interpret information in a way that confirms one's preconceptions.

For your statement to be accurate, there would have to be NO black republicans holding ANY office - which you know, but won't admit, is not the case.

Where did Obama get his start? A community organizer... Then he became a state senator, then he became a Congressman. I pointed to Black Republicans who hold lower offices and some of them WILL move up to national office - It took the Messiah just 5 years to go from community agitator to candidate for POTUS.

You poo-poo'd the Black Republicans holding lower office but you hold up Obama's lower offices as proof of his experience - Thats one bigoted viewpoint you got there.
Translation: you can't find one, not even one black Republican governor or congressman, 585 positions and not one is filled by a black Republican. Numbers don't lie, my point has been made....racism is alive and well within today's GOP.

Let us turn this around and ask, how many black democrats are currently representing "white" districts. I predict the number is very very low.
Great a new victim, maybe you can show me one currently serving black Republican governor or congressman. I don't want to hear about some appointment or Powell, Rice and Thomas, I want to know if there are any black Republican governors or congressmen.

Lets see, there are 50 gubernatorial positions, 435 house members and 100 senators...that adds up to 585 positions. Are you telling me there's not even one black Republican among them?

Great, Popeye moves the goal posts...AGAIN!!