Goin' Down

Funny how when Bush was in office...republicans never cared about polling in the low 30's.....

those polls were engineered to make Bush look bad, these are engineered to make obama look good. its not working out too well. going to get worse as he is forced to do some president-ing as opposed to campaigning.
Gipper DayTripper why does Obama suck even more? Can you give me specifics? Last I heard for one he hasn't gotten us bogged down in two wars -- he inherited that mess. And he can at least utter a coherent sentence vs. the last knucklehead we had that made me cringe every time he opened his mouth.

And please don't give that "the media is left biased" baloney. That is such a cop out. :rolleyes:

Bush was a rino liberal. You should have loved him... from Sarbox to homeland security, that loser caved on every philosophical point just to engage in a protracted foreign war.

Obama has increase gov by a full 33% in his first year.

His budgets dwarf bush the idiot.

Bush budget 1.3 trillion

Sambo first year 2.8 trillion
Sambo second year 3.5 trillion
Samob now wants 3.7 trillion

The largest expansion of debt in history under sammy. Yeah he's a real prize.

just sayin
Funny how when Bush was in office...republicans never cared about polling in the low 30's.....

Bush deserved the low ratings due to his PROGRESSIVE polices. Just as BO deserves it for his SOCIALIST polices. However, Bush was demonized by the MSM while BO is beloved by them.

If the media were fair and unbiased, BO would have ratings in the 20s.

Oh the consequences of liberalism are most abhorrent!
Sambo first year 2.8 trillion
Sambo second year 3.5 trillion
Samob now wants 3.7 trillion

The largest expansion of debt in history under sammy. Yeah he's a real prize.

LOL. I hope Harry Reid is the first tiger to turn to butter as the "administration churns".
those polls were engineered to make Bush look bad, these are engineered to make obama look good. its not working out too well. going to get worse as he is forced to do some president-ing as opposed to campaigning.

right,,,,,you just keep saying that,,,its all a huge conspiricy...

2 wars a bad econ, banks fell apart, torture, no WMD....but low approval was a conspiricy by evry poll in the nation.
That's still almost twice as much a Bush's poll figures!

Well we can agree on that, but it is strange. W really was an awful progressive president and BO is a horrendous socialist president. Why would BO's ratings be any better than W's?

Could the left wing communist main stream media have anything to do with that?
The battle--really--is a media one.

They destroyed Bush with lies.
Now, they try to sell Obama with lies.
Time for them to go.
They have nothing whatsoever to do with journalism
They are bought and paid for political hacks.
The are Ministers of Propaganda--pure and simple.

Look--they didn't even cover Fast 'n Furious until it reached a peak in Congress with contempt charges!
Look--they didn't even cover Fast 'n Furious until it reached a peak in Congress with contempt charges!

And they are spinning it as a witch hunt. Funny thing too, CBS was the one who broke the story originally.
That was until they realized how damning it would be to their guy and then they clamed up.
And they are spinning it as a witch hunt. Funny thing too, CBS was the one who broke the story originally.
That was until they realized how damning it would be to their guy and then they clamed up.

I think--at last--the time has come for the nation to separate to the left and to the right.

Obama has engineered this to set the stage for the battle.
He is the most devisive "leader" we have ever been cursed with.
He is the Devil's Spawn.

Communism 101.

His mother, father, grandmother, grandfather (who raised him) were
ALL CARD-CARRYING members of the Communist Party of the USA.
Yes...we know the old media is the communications arm of the D Party (communists really), but guess what? Many libs and Ds are unaware of the media bias and as such, they get duped every single day. We must show pity on them....but I can't. I tend to have contempt for them.
Yes...we know the old media is the communications arm of the D Party (communists really), but guess what? Many libs and Ds are unaware of the media bias and as such, they get duped every single day. We must show pity on them....but I can't. I tend to have contempt for them.

We have become an EXTREMELY STUPID people.
Unable to discern right from wrong, enemies from friends.
It is the curse of Liberalism.
Liberalism is the euphemism for moral decay and decline--precisely what all enemies look for and smell and attack when they find it.

We are living on borrowed time. Morally--and financially and economically.
Young people are so incredibly brainless today, they have no idesa what is happening around them.

Colleges and their old burnt-old drug-crazed perverted hippie and mostly worthless professors have ruined the "once" best and brightest.
God Help Us.
We have become an EXTREMELY STUPID people.
Unable to discern right from wrong, enemies from friends.
It is the curse of Liberalism.
Liberalism is the euphemism for moral decay and decline--precisely what all enemies look for and smell and attack when they find it.

We are living on borrowed time. Morally--and financially and economically.
Young people are so incredibly brainless today, they have no idesa what is happening around them.

Colleges and their old burnt-old drug-crazed perverted hippie and mostly worthless professors have ruined the "once" best and brightest.
God Help Us.

Yes much has gone wrong thanks to liberalism. But, I still have hope that BO and his commie party gets smoked in November and the Rs finally do the right thing.

And yes there are many stupid people in our country...and like the great comedian says, "You can't fix stupid."
Well we can agree on that, but it is strange. W really was an awful progressive president and BO is a horrendous socialist president. Why would BO's ratings be any better than W's?

Could the left wing communist main stream media have anything to do with that?
Goodness, your perspective is distant from most Americans! Your politics are just to the left of Genghis Kahn.