God or Man?


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2009
Somewhere Nice
Here is an interesting article that discusses the all encompassing hatred the left has for conservatives. It gives a good historical account of when the furious hatred began with Nixon and Whitaker Chambers. The left media and their allies in the D party have had a long successful history of DEMONIZING their opponents and duping millions of Americans.

Because Nixon and Chambers exposed the left as communists back in the 50s the liberal media became unhinged in a virulent effort to destory both man. The game plan for destroying conservatives has been followed many times since then.

In essence, the fight comes down to God or Man, Faith or atheism, and individualism or collectivism....

In other words, to go back to Buckley's point in God and Man at Yale, Nixon had found himself as a young congressman as the tip of the spear in what Buckley called "the duel between Christianity and atheism [that] is the most important in the world… the struggle between individualism and collectivism [that] is the same struggle reproduced on another level." Or, to simplify, in the struggle Whittaker Chambers described as that between "God or Man" -- Richard Nixon -- well identified at this point as a fierce anti-Communist and a Quaker to boot -- was perceived by the left as having chosen up sides, as it were, with God. With individualism. With faith in a higher power than man. By his actions in the Hiss case Nixon had revealed himself as someone who disagreed sharply with the leftist vision of the mind of man, the vision Chambers described as that of man "displacing God as the creative intelligence of the world."

This is the heart of all of these frenzies.

And as a direct result, Richard Nixon became the first candidate for national office to become the target of a liberal media feeding frenzy.

BUT THERE'S MORE to this story -- one more tale that belongs to no less than William F. Buckley Jr. himself.
A year before Nixon's fund crisis, Buckley's book had been published, making the young man famous at 25. Yet strangely, while Buckley was in fact no more in the day than an (albeit precocious) young writer as opposed to a man on the verge of the vice-presidency, he too faced the splenetic rancor that was yet a year down the road for Nixon in the "fund crisis." Buckley's critics, Buckley himself noted with amusement decades later, were filled with "sputtering outrage" at his book. The young man was pilloried in all manner of respectable media corners by liberals of the day.

The targets for personal destruction by the Left...

Here's a list of those targets, roughly in historical order and by no means definitive, beginning with original targets Nixon, Chamberlain and Buckley.
Richard Nixon
Whittaker Chambers
William F. Buckley Jr.
Joseph McCarthy
Barry Goldwater
Spiro Agnew
Clement Haynesworth (a failed Nixon Supreme Court nominee)
Ronald Reagan
Edwin Meese III
Robert Bork
Douglas Ginsburg (Bork's replacement as a Reagan Supreme Court nominee --and also failed)
Oliver North
Newt Gingrich
Dan Quayle
Rush Limbaugh
Sean Hannity
Mark Levin
Ann Coulter
Roger Ailes
Rupert Murdoch
Samuel Alito
Lou Dobbs
Bill O'Reilly
Glenn Beck
Miguel Estrada (a star conservative lawyer, a Latino, blocked as a Bush appeals court nominee)
Alberto Gonzales
George W. Bush
Dick Cheney
Donald Rumsfeld
Sarah Palin
Michele Bachmann
Christine O'Donnell
Sharron Angle
Joe Miller
Karl Rove
Scooter Libby
Donald Trump
Herman Cain

And this is so true....the hypocrisy and bias in the media is giant, yet some still fall prey to it's lies.

The problem here is that, as was telegraphed in the vastly different treatment of Richard Nixon's fund with that of liberal Adlai Stevenson's, the standards for one side -- the advocates of individualism -- are different. Vastly different. Not to mention that liberalism is represented as the unbiased norm. So unbiased -- whether appearing as journalism, religion, business, education, law or politics -- that to question is a sign of extremism, instability or greed.
Thus the difference in treatment for Nixon and Stevenson's fund problems, allegations of sexual harassment against Clarence Thomas or Herman Cain versus those against Bill Clinton. Secret taping in the Oval Office is a big deal if one is President Nixon -- but not President Kennedy. We need a woman in the Oval Office -- but it must be Hillary Clinton and not Sarah Palin or Michele Bachmann. There must be Latinos on the federal bench -- but they must think like Sonia Sotomayor and not Miguel Estrada. There must be diversity in the media -- but Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity or Mark Levin or Lou Dobbs or Glenn Beck should never be allowed on the air. MSNBC is utterly respectable but Fox News and its stars like O'Reilly are simply mouthpieces with no credentials. Donald Trump personifies individualism and is therefore an evil rich guy, while Warren Buffett and his tax-me-more collectivism makes him a secular business saint. GOP vice presidential candidates Nixon, Agnew, Dole, Quayle, Cheney and Palin are outrageous thieves, bigots, bullies, or stupid, while liberals running for vice president from Edmund Muskie to Walter Mondale to Lloyd Bentsen, Al Gore and Joe Biden are all smart, wise, even-tempered and above all moderate.
Thats why i wont accept Heaven if i do go. If i meet my Angel up there im gonna negotiate my return right back here on earth until i get what i want.
Here is an interesting article that discusses the all encompassing hatred the left has for conservatives. It gives a good historical account of when the furious hatred began with Nixon and Whitaker Chambers. The left media and their allies in the D party have had a long successful history of DEMONIZING their opponents and duping millions of Americans.

Because Nixon and Chambers exposed the left as communists back in the 50s the liberal media became unhinged in a virulent effort to destory both man. The game plan for destroying conservatives has been followed many times since then.

In essence, the fight comes down to God or Man, Faith or atheism, and individualism or collectivism....

The targets for personal destruction by the Left...

And this is so true....the hypocrisy and bias in the media is giant, yet some still fall prey to it's lies.

Yea the Dems set up that whole watergate thing just to get him!
Nixon was just a stand up guy!
Yea the Dems set up that whole watergate thing just to get him!
Nixon was just a stand up guy!

The OP apparently went completely over your head...as usual. I can always count on you misunderstanding intelligence.

Watergate has nothing to do with the point made by the columnist, but you being a hard left wing radical are incapable of intelligent debate. You are only capable of the typical left wing tactics of posing straw-man arguments.

Did you learn these tactics in union thug school?
The OP apparently went completely over your head...as usual. I can always count on you misunderstanding intelligence.

Watergate has nothing to do with the point made by the columnist, but you being a hard left wing radical are incapable of intelligent debate. You are only capable of the typical left wing tactics of posing straw-man arguments.

Did you learn these tactics in union thug school?

our leftie friends are fond of the tangent. not sure they even realize they're doing it at times.
Thats why i wont accept Heaven if i do go. If i meet my Angel up there im gonna negotiate my return right back here on earth until i get what i want.

Oddly enough I see this line of thinking quite often. People who do not have faith would not want to be in heaven anyway so they should hardly blame God for not putting them there. It could be that ones final destination is quite just which would make God - right. What a surprise.

Meanwhile the original sin in the Garden was one of thinking that we know better than God what is best for us. Obviously we know that eating the apple and gaining the understanding it brings is better than listening to God who asked us not to eat without much explanation.

It would seem that you are saying you know better than God what is best for you. You want what you want and think that it is better than heaven.
Oddly enough I see this line of thinking quite often. People who do not have faith would not want to be in heaven anyway so they should hardly blame God for not putting them there. It could be that ones final destination is quite just which would make God - right. What a surprise.

Meanwhile the original sin in the Garden was one of thinking that we know better than God what is best for us. Obviously we know that eating the apple and gaining the understanding it brings is better than listening to God who asked us not to eat without much explanation.

It would seem that you are saying you know better than God what is best for you. You want what you want and think that it is better than heaven.

Based on some peoples idea of God, I am smarter and better then there God...Because there god seems to be a 9 year old boy with a severe case of needing to be sucked up to and feared....I would not like there God as a Person, let alone think of them as a higher power.
Based on some peoples idea of God, I am smarter and better then there God...Because there god seems to be a 9 year old boy with a severe case of needing to be sucked up to and feared....I would not like there God as a Person, let alone think of them as a higher power.

I am sure there are people who think that God needs to be sucked up to (rather than admired for His qualities) and feared (rather than "revered" which technically is another word for one use of the word "feared" indicating that you might not know what the word means).

This particular sentence of yours does not demonstrate that you are smarter than they are since you do not know how to use the word "there". ( I know from longstanding experience that you are both smarter than that sentence indicates and smarter than people who would suck up to God but a newcomer to the site would miss that since the error occurred three times in that sentence)

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