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- Aug 1, 2008
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And I'm not sorry either. I tried to post this last night but do not know if it was as I accidentally hit the power strip - the switch - with my toes!
I opened my mail and found both the notice of filing and notice of placement upon the docket so I'm being heard again. It is #08-6622. currently I have every reason to believe I will be giving oral argument due to the facts. I wanted to let you know as I was told this was impossible by every lawyer, every civil rights group and every authority I ever asked for assitance. In America anything is possible as you are in charge of your own destiny; you are not subject to the history others chooose to live out unless they can shake your faith in US law and in the citizens as they are one and the same. All my one person had to do was connect with one other ethical person who had actual faith in the law. The only people charged with the duty and vested with legal power who ever acted in accordance with the law, the spirit of the law and fedral precedent? The clerks of the Supreme Court as I even had to name them the first time around yet I was filed exactly as I should have been. That's proof of life as we do not have to worry about people willing to expose themselves and their actions to the light of day. Just because it happened, is actual reality, doe not prove guilt or intent to harm so actual reality is not always legal reality. You can and may, and should if it is fact, plead accountable and responsible but not guilty and the sky does not fall. In fact sometimes you work miracles as I have now beaten billion to one odds.
I'm also telling you as I went to other of political forums. Most of them were pretensious and self-righteous. Even though I do not post on this one a lot I read it and lots of you have all the right stuff and know how to fix what is wrong. Some of you gave me some of my ideas. For instance, I had to tell the Court that it had violated Marbury thus all offices are unchecked and a coup occurred. The Court was now acting to exert the power reserved to the exactly named Creator. How do you convey that to them in a way they can understand it? AHA! Greatest weight, as i never heard it worded that way before: Would God create a weight to heavy for God to lift? So I wrote (not exact but almost): The Court has reasoned and ordered itself moot, as it has given away its moral authority and legal power thus making local district family court the court with the power to interpret and apply the law and/or to stand down the President and Commander in Chief. This Court has created a weight too heavy for it to lift, a burden too great for it to bear, as it has essentially signed its own death warrant by signing mine when I am innocent and when I, my case, am equivalent to the Declaration of Independence alone. What court can bear the burden of making, enforcing and interpreting the law and do so without any error whatsoever? Only the Creator can as no human being is perfect. Perfection is an impossible standard for any man. They must have understood at last!
You know what else I loved here? When I read one poster state in his sig that he would not respond to a,b,c,d, etc. Saying exactly what is your protected right to say, to declare yourself and your intentions, is so very American. I love it when people do stuff like that and love it even more when it is realized as your right to say it and another's right to ignore it!
I pay attention to what you have to say as what affects you affects me and as many of you would be elected or appointed if we had equal protection and due process and if our so-called authorities did their jobs as they swore to do. If the rules were not used to keep you out, if political influence, money and mistaken beliefs like a law degree made you a good Senator then any person actively participating would have the opportunity. It is not about what I personally like or dislike or what I want as I also included things I my own self do not subscribe to meaning: You have a right and a duty to disagree with me if that is your true belief. You might have had an experience of life that I did not so you might know different than me.
As I will be heard in person either now or later I might be asking some of you to put your talent to use as I'll need all the good evidence I can gather to support my argument and I'll need people who can crunch numbers or maybe even testify as to their injury. I sued the ENTIRE government; want to exclude yourself? Plead out; say what you did or did not do to help create the state of our nation today. Then you can speak all about your injury, how your life was affected and what you believe needs to happen. You can testify to your experience of your own unique American life. You'll then become proof of life, rising beyond reasonable doubt or in some cases any doubt. I'll enter whatever I can as I am the litigant who represents all Americans ever, dead or alive. I'm the absolute class of one representing the whole class:
All who were harmed by anything against the law or in violation of the law since Richard Nixon's "Checkers" speech as I named that as my exact point of causation (term limits hadn't robbed us of the check and balance yet) and can argue it back to the big bang and forward to today and even into the future as one of the injuries? The court is not supposed to consider the consequences of their decisions as no man can exactly predict the conditions of the future. You can reason we can't rule for Susan as there might be violence but you may not as it is unconstitutional. What if we ruled against Brown upon this excuse? The other reason I chose this as point of causation?
The "Checkers" speech was made in response to the Republican Party having a secret war chest meant for funding campaigns. Nixon blamed his wife and daughters by using the example of a dog: I'm innocent; I can and will accept gifts....what monster would want me to take a puppy from my kids? Besides, Pat talked to this Texas dog guy not me. He used words to make it seem as if, lied and deneid reality all violations of Article 4 section 4 as it constitutes doemstic violence and it was done upon a federal level. I also cited speechwriters as a point of causation, as these days politicians say anything they write sometimes not even going over it!
This was the moment we began selling elected seats, outright selling them to the highest bidder and so buying and selling justice and buying and selling our two governing documents, and it was done in order to deliberately deny large groups of people - women and then minorities - from exercising their legal power as a block for the first time, as an injured group seeking remedy and seeking to dissolve unjust persons aka check the Congress and the Excutive. It was meant to prevent ethical people from checking unethical ones. It was meant to deny people taxation WITH representation! I told the Court: My first clue? You aren't calling it a peace chest and I know why - it is war! WE, the ethical people are the enemy. You want to shoot and kill me with my own dollar, a buck that will fly right past my life and go directly into the corrupted and/or dead institutions of government, unethical people who are lobbies, PACS, corporate welfare, tax breaks, incentives, policies, emergencies, Congressional pay raises, entitlements, special exemptions etc. etc.
It is no accident that Nixon was involved in this, that he then resigned and that before he did Dick Cheney had an office right next to his. Dick 'Deliberation' Cheny has actual heart disease as his soul is diseased as I witnessed this man commit three crimes - federal crimes known as treason. I can prove one act was committed AFTER we were engaged in actual war. He is not my target as you check the offices not the person and square up with the law in order to then dissolve the person, the mistaken or discriminatiory belief and/or the lie. The truth makes you whole not money and not actual charges as our law names both physical (actual) and metaphysical (legal) death. My goal is to wake Americans up as most of them walk around in la la land belieivng ANYTHING they are told even if it in no way matches reality!
How in the world did we ever come to elect Bill Clinton??? I saw Clinton coming from a mile away as he was involved with Pamela Harriman, in a financial way, and she is not - NOT - an American. I do not care what the piece of paper says. Proof she helped purchased the Presidency? Or actually did it? He gave her what was equivalent to a state funeral. That was very unusual, almost unheard of and guess what? After she divorced or left or waited until Winston Churchill's son died? She worked in Paris as nothing more than a glorified hooker whose clients were married men mostly. Nothing she did during WWII then makes her worthy of a state funeral in consideration of all of the evidence. You know what they say - like things attract. You know what I say? When like things attract examine the evidence closely as the reason why will eventually reveal itself, lol.
Proof I am a hopless romantic as I am unconditionally and forever in love with myself and the Creator thus unconditionally in love with my nation aka WE, the people? That my secret lover is named America? And that I have another secret lover named Liberty? And that, as I have an open marriage, I even had an orgy with a bunch of guys known as Philadelphia? That my sex acts, for which I took no money, resulted in a child whose father I cannot name exactly thus I am the Constitution's whore? The name of the baby, whose birth certificate is dated October 6th, 2008 but who was actually delivered (to me) on Thursday, October 9th, 2008 so that is the birthday I will celebrate?
Susan Herbert/Ron Paul '08!!! As where there's a will there's a way!!!
I look fantastic for having had a baby one day ago!
I opened my mail and found both the notice of filing and notice of placement upon the docket so I'm being heard again. It is #08-6622. currently I have every reason to believe I will be giving oral argument due to the facts. I wanted to let you know as I was told this was impossible by every lawyer, every civil rights group and every authority I ever asked for assitance. In America anything is possible as you are in charge of your own destiny; you are not subject to the history others chooose to live out unless they can shake your faith in US law and in the citizens as they are one and the same. All my one person had to do was connect with one other ethical person who had actual faith in the law. The only people charged with the duty and vested with legal power who ever acted in accordance with the law, the spirit of the law and fedral precedent? The clerks of the Supreme Court as I even had to name them the first time around yet I was filed exactly as I should have been. That's proof of life as we do not have to worry about people willing to expose themselves and their actions to the light of day. Just because it happened, is actual reality, doe not prove guilt or intent to harm so actual reality is not always legal reality. You can and may, and should if it is fact, plead accountable and responsible but not guilty and the sky does not fall. In fact sometimes you work miracles as I have now beaten billion to one odds.
I'm also telling you as I went to other of political forums. Most of them were pretensious and self-righteous. Even though I do not post on this one a lot I read it and lots of you have all the right stuff and know how to fix what is wrong. Some of you gave me some of my ideas. For instance, I had to tell the Court that it had violated Marbury thus all offices are unchecked and a coup occurred. The Court was now acting to exert the power reserved to the exactly named Creator. How do you convey that to them in a way they can understand it? AHA! Greatest weight, as i never heard it worded that way before: Would God create a weight to heavy for God to lift? So I wrote (not exact but almost): The Court has reasoned and ordered itself moot, as it has given away its moral authority and legal power thus making local district family court the court with the power to interpret and apply the law and/or to stand down the President and Commander in Chief. This Court has created a weight too heavy for it to lift, a burden too great for it to bear, as it has essentially signed its own death warrant by signing mine when I am innocent and when I, my case, am equivalent to the Declaration of Independence alone. What court can bear the burden of making, enforcing and interpreting the law and do so without any error whatsoever? Only the Creator can as no human being is perfect. Perfection is an impossible standard for any man. They must have understood at last!
You know what else I loved here? When I read one poster state in his sig that he would not respond to a,b,c,d, etc. Saying exactly what is your protected right to say, to declare yourself and your intentions, is so very American. I love it when people do stuff like that and love it even more when it is realized as your right to say it and another's right to ignore it!
I pay attention to what you have to say as what affects you affects me and as many of you would be elected or appointed if we had equal protection and due process and if our so-called authorities did their jobs as they swore to do. If the rules were not used to keep you out, if political influence, money and mistaken beliefs like a law degree made you a good Senator then any person actively participating would have the opportunity. It is not about what I personally like or dislike or what I want as I also included things I my own self do not subscribe to meaning: You have a right and a duty to disagree with me if that is your true belief. You might have had an experience of life that I did not so you might know different than me.
As I will be heard in person either now or later I might be asking some of you to put your talent to use as I'll need all the good evidence I can gather to support my argument and I'll need people who can crunch numbers or maybe even testify as to their injury. I sued the ENTIRE government; want to exclude yourself? Plead out; say what you did or did not do to help create the state of our nation today. Then you can speak all about your injury, how your life was affected and what you believe needs to happen. You can testify to your experience of your own unique American life. You'll then become proof of life, rising beyond reasonable doubt or in some cases any doubt. I'll enter whatever I can as I am the litigant who represents all Americans ever, dead or alive. I'm the absolute class of one representing the whole class:
All who were harmed by anything against the law or in violation of the law since Richard Nixon's "Checkers" speech as I named that as my exact point of causation (term limits hadn't robbed us of the check and balance yet) and can argue it back to the big bang and forward to today and even into the future as one of the injuries? The court is not supposed to consider the consequences of their decisions as no man can exactly predict the conditions of the future. You can reason we can't rule for Susan as there might be violence but you may not as it is unconstitutional. What if we ruled against Brown upon this excuse? The other reason I chose this as point of causation?
The "Checkers" speech was made in response to the Republican Party having a secret war chest meant for funding campaigns. Nixon blamed his wife and daughters by using the example of a dog: I'm innocent; I can and will accept gifts....what monster would want me to take a puppy from my kids? Besides, Pat talked to this Texas dog guy not me. He used words to make it seem as if, lied and deneid reality all violations of Article 4 section 4 as it constitutes doemstic violence and it was done upon a federal level. I also cited speechwriters as a point of causation, as these days politicians say anything they write sometimes not even going over it!
This was the moment we began selling elected seats, outright selling them to the highest bidder and so buying and selling justice and buying and selling our two governing documents, and it was done in order to deliberately deny large groups of people - women and then minorities - from exercising their legal power as a block for the first time, as an injured group seeking remedy and seeking to dissolve unjust persons aka check the Congress and the Excutive. It was meant to prevent ethical people from checking unethical ones. It was meant to deny people taxation WITH representation! I told the Court: My first clue? You aren't calling it a peace chest and I know why - it is war! WE, the ethical people are the enemy. You want to shoot and kill me with my own dollar, a buck that will fly right past my life and go directly into the corrupted and/or dead institutions of government, unethical people who are lobbies, PACS, corporate welfare, tax breaks, incentives, policies, emergencies, Congressional pay raises, entitlements, special exemptions etc. etc.
It is no accident that Nixon was involved in this, that he then resigned and that before he did Dick Cheney had an office right next to his. Dick 'Deliberation' Cheny has actual heart disease as his soul is diseased as I witnessed this man commit three crimes - federal crimes known as treason. I can prove one act was committed AFTER we were engaged in actual war. He is not my target as you check the offices not the person and square up with the law in order to then dissolve the person, the mistaken or discriminatiory belief and/or the lie. The truth makes you whole not money and not actual charges as our law names both physical (actual) and metaphysical (legal) death. My goal is to wake Americans up as most of them walk around in la la land belieivng ANYTHING they are told even if it in no way matches reality!
How in the world did we ever come to elect Bill Clinton??? I saw Clinton coming from a mile away as he was involved with Pamela Harriman, in a financial way, and she is not - NOT - an American. I do not care what the piece of paper says. Proof she helped purchased the Presidency? Or actually did it? He gave her what was equivalent to a state funeral. That was very unusual, almost unheard of and guess what? After she divorced or left or waited until Winston Churchill's son died? She worked in Paris as nothing more than a glorified hooker whose clients were married men mostly. Nothing she did during WWII then makes her worthy of a state funeral in consideration of all of the evidence. You know what they say - like things attract. You know what I say? When like things attract examine the evidence closely as the reason why will eventually reveal itself, lol.
Proof I am a hopless romantic as I am unconditionally and forever in love with myself and the Creator thus unconditionally in love with my nation aka WE, the people? That my secret lover is named America? And that I have another secret lover named Liberty? And that, as I have an open marriage, I even had an orgy with a bunch of guys known as Philadelphia? That my sex acts, for which I took no money, resulted in a child whose father I cannot name exactly thus I am the Constitution's whore? The name of the baby, whose birth certificate is dated October 6th, 2008 but who was actually delivered (to me) on Thursday, October 9th, 2008 so that is the birthday I will celebrate?
Susan Herbert/Ron Paul '08!!! As where there's a will there's a way!!!
I look fantastic for having had a baby one day ago!