Global Warning is Very Real


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
It about 75-100 years from now this what our nation will look like

Wasn't this supposed to have happened already? Hasn't this already happened before man roamed the earth? I am certain that man has made a contribution to climate change but to the scale that is portrayed here? It seems a bit presumptuous and politically motivated to buy into this "day after tomorrow" prediction. I'm all for R&D into alternative energy sources but check the scare tactics at the door.

Steve, it would help if you tried to back up the point.

Personally, I believe global warming is happening, and humans are definetly contributing to it, but the earths climate has always been changing anyway, as has the strength of the suns pulse etc.
Steve, it would help if you tried to back up the point.

Personally, I believe global warming is happening, and humans are definetly contributing to it, but the earths climate has always been changing anyway, as has the strength of the suns pulse etc.

I would like to see some definitive science that states that we are causing any sort of climate change on a global scale.
In Got a Solution to Global warming. TAX THE WEALTHY!!!! Theyre the ones who own factories and polute the climate.Theyre the ones who own Private Jets and polute the climate.Theyre the ones who own Giant Mansions and use 10 times as much energy than normal household does. Why go after the Little people who have to take their cars to Auto Emissions and pay $30? Why make the Little people pay extra 10% on their BTU Tax on electric bill when its a drop in the bucket to a Billionare? I Want A CORPERATE TAX. Tax the companies who harm the evoinment. Tax homes that uses 50% More electric power then the average joe. Tax private jets and Airline companies who uses 3 times as much CO2 as people who drive cars. So GET THE BILLIONARES!!! Not the Little People.
CO2 harms the earths greehouse thats supposed to keep the suns radiation rays from entering the earth.Thats why why not pass the big bucks to em? Make em pay! not you or me the little people.

Learn something steve. Man's contribution to the atmospheric CO2 isn't enough to even overcome the natural deviation from year to year of the earth's own CO2 making machinery.

In Got a Solution to Global warming. TAX THE WEALTHY!!!! Theyre the ones who own factories and polute the climate.Theyre the ones who own Private Jets and polute the climate.Theyre the ones who own Giant Mansions and use 10 times as much energy than normal household does.

And this is just stupid. You seem to know that it is the rich who own the factories but that seems to be about as far as your thinking goes. If you lay excess taxes on the people who own the factories and produce the products that we use every day, exactly where do you think the money is going to come from? Here is a clue. They pay excess taxes by reducing payroll or by raising the price on the products that they make. Either way, the money comes out of your pocket.

They can raise their prices but we can choose not to buy from them. So we buy products thats Made in Japan or from China. So who loses? THEY DO!!
They can raise their prices but we can choose not to buy from them. So we buy products thats Made in Japan or from China. So who loses? THEY DO!!

Tell you what. Why don't you, first of all, find out what products those nasty rich make and while you are at it you better check the overseas manufacturing to be sure that the factories that make those products aren't owned entirely, or in part by the nasty rich in this country. Then you can put them into a list form and describe alternatives and be sure to show who gets that money and what they do with it so we can make an accurate value judgement and then organize a boycot of all the products that you claim are made by the nasty rich.

Or you can just keep up your impotent wining because you aren't one of the nasty rich.
Ever wonder why some states are suffering with Floods and Dangerous storms? Cause GOD is cursing us cause we lost our moral values. Like GOD sent a hurricane to New Orleans to destruct that city. America has saluted and approved Gay Marriages and liberals say that "GAY IS OK." Hes gonna continue this pattern until we sign a amendment to make Gay Marriages illegal.
So Steve, because you can't back up your global warming solutions, you have just decided to blame gays.

Nice one mate.

Also, if we choose not to buy products from American factories because they are making the goods too expensive, and we choose to buy them from China, we are buying our goods from one of the most polluting countries in the world.