Global Warming . . . well, there are a few things we need to accept about it. First of all, greenhouse gas is manufactured by burping cows and rotting bogs, but in addition, humankind is contributing to the mess. We have to remember though that the climate of our earth has never been stable. Think about mini ice ages of the medieval times and such. That was not too long ago when you consider the age of our planet.
I do think humankind has a responsibility to preserve the natural environment, and it is unacceptable for us to ignore the fact that our excesses are speeding the process of climate shift. After all, that business man driving an SUV really has no business doing so if he is merely doing it to show his status, but we are not going to be able to convince someone that they have no "right". We simply must change the way that status is perceived.
We do need to plant more trees to filter the belches and fermentation, say "no" to attacks on the watershed by huge Wal-Mart parking lots that barely squeak by the meager environmental requirements. We do need to use less resources by buying "used" when we can, even if that means a trip to the thrift store as opposed to the mall to pick up a "one use" outfit for a company holiday party. But convincing the world what we need to do is going to boil down to setting an example one at a time until more of the "important" folks can give the issue face time.