Global cooling!


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2007
Up your butt, Jobu.

Maybe Al Gore is full of crap. "Every day, scientists hoping to see an increase in solar activity train their instruments at the sun as it crosses the sky. This is no idle academic pursuit: A lull in solar action could potentially drive the planet’s temperature down, or even prompt a mini Ice Age...."

Why are the global warming nazis ignoring the potential issues posed by the sun? They're pushing an end to CO2, but increased CO2 does not raise temperatures. Yet they insist it's because of cars. Uh...:rolleyes:
there are some weather changes because of man. there certainly is more pollution. and NJ is gross.

Mother Nature will fix everything.

I agree that pollution is a problem. You could call me a conservative environmentalist - I like clean water and air just as much as a liberal. I don't think companies should be able to put chemicals into our rivers and I wish I could punch every dooshbag that throws a cigarette butt to the roadside while driving. But I'm not a Sierra Club nazi - I don't crap in paper bags and bury it in my garden to save Mother Earth. The earth is not my mother!

And I couldn't agree more - NJ IS gross. Why aren't Jersey girls trash? Because trash gets picked up.
Here are some images of this "global cooling":




The ice age is coming! The glaciers are returning to New York! Prepare yourselves for the end, the end is nigh! Ignore all of those global warming doomsayers and get ready for the real crisis!
Whether or not its because of man or just a change in the balance of nature, taking the piss out of global cooling because everyone talks about global warming is pretty stupid.

Climate change is what happens when the balance of the Earth changes, internally or externally, because of man or other forces in nature. The result of this can be either - global warming or global cooling.
Here are some images of this "global cooling":




The ice age is coming! The glaciers are returning to New York! Prepare yourselves for the end, the end is nigh! Ignore all of those global warming doomsayers and get ready for the real crisis!

So it appears that Arctic ice
isn't vanishing after all


4 Feb 08 - Excerpt: But for some reason the warmists are less keen on the latest satellite findings, reported by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) on the website Cryosphere today by the University of Illinois. This body is committed to warmist orthodoxy and contributes to the work of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Yet its graph of northern hemisphere sea ice area, which shows the ice shrinking from 13,000 million sq km to just 4 million from the start of 2007 to October, also shows it now almost back to 13 million sq km.

And here's a partial list of glaciers that are GROWING:

I agree with Sumblime - the climate is probably going to be changing, on some level at least, and it's not necessarily because of man. So all you global warming nazis pushing for the death of the internal combustion engine need to take a breath and just accept that this is what the earth does. Cycles, people, cycles. Stop worrying so much...
Here are some images of this "global cooling":


As long as there is precipitation at the poles, there is naturally going to be run-off. This does not depend at all on planetary temperatures, which you can't freeze in amber forever.
Not sure if anyone cares about anecdotal evidence, but Ill give it anyways. Since the 00-01 winter, in my town in western Alaska, we have had 4 of them what I would consider very mild. With lots of rain that would otherwise be snow. Also, with rivers that otherwise have frozen enough to cross, that didnt.

Right now, and last winter both have been sharp in its cold temps. Today actually marks the first day in 3 weeks where the temps were above zero.

While I dont know if we are having cooling or warming, I am convinced something is going on.
Not sure if anyone cares about anecdotal evidence, but Ill give it anyways. Since the 00-01 winter, in my town in western Alaska, we have had 4 of them what I would consider very mild. With lots of rain that would otherwise be snow. Also, with rivers that otherwise have frozen enough to cross, that didnt.

Right now, and last winter both have been sharp in its cold temps. Today actually marks the first day in 3 weeks where the temps were above zero.

While I dont know if we are having cooling or warming, I am convinced something is going on.

I'm with you on that - that something is happening. I live in Minnesota, and I remember growing up we had 2-3 blizzards each winter and it got fricken cold. I can't remember a blizzard since 1991 now, and the winters don't quite seem as harsh as they used to be. But then again I've noticed the summers aren't quite as hot as I remember, too.
As long as there is precipitation at the poles, there is naturally going to be run-off. This does not depend at all on planetary temperatures, which you can't freeze in amber forever.

The picture shows the Greenland icecap in the process of melting. It is simply amazing to me how anyone can look at plain, unvarnished facts and observations and say, "Nope! Didn't see a thing."
So it appears that Arctic ice
isn't vanishing after all


4 Feb 08 - Excerpt: But for some reason the warmists are less keen on the latest satellite findings, reported by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) on the website Cryosphere today by the University of Illinois. This body is committed to warmist orthodoxy and contributes to the work of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Yet its graph of northern hemisphere sea ice area, which shows the ice shrinking from 13,000 million sq km to just 4 million from the start of 2007 to October, also shows it now almost back to 13 million sq km.

And here's a partial list of glaciers that are GROWING:

I agree with Sumblime - the climate is probably going to be changing, on some level at least, and it's not necessarily because of man. So all you global warming nazis pushing for the death of the internal combustion engine need to take a breath and just accept that this is what the earth does. Cycles, people, cycles. Stop worrying so much...

Once again, global warming doesn't mean that every part of the Earth will warm evenly. That's why the term "global climate change" is much more accurate. It is the average temperature that is growing. Sure, some glaciers are likely to get bigger, due to increased precipitation. Overall, there are far fewer glaciers than there used to be.

But, fear not, no "Nazis" are going to come and take away your internal combustion engine, nor are they going to close down your beloved coal fired power plant.

It is simply amazing how some people will use scientific research to further an agenda: "Buy my heat pump, light bulb, car, or whatever it is, or the Earth will become a desert." Vote for XYZ, because his opponent will not stop global warming. It is even more amazing how others will see that exploitation, and, instead of condemning it for what it is, try to deny the research altogether. Neither of those positions is tenable.

That global climate change is happening and is here to stay is not a political view, but a scientific one. Denying that it is happening is simply ignoring fact, logic, and observation.
The picture shows the Greenland icecap in the process of melting. It is simply amazing to me how anyone can look at plain, unvarnished facts and observations and say, "Nope! Didn't see a thing."

What it shows is large volumes of water run-off. (For the record, I didn't say there was no water run-off, which is what you just implied. I said it's not "plain, unvarnished" support for your position).

Again, as long as there is precipitation, there will be run-off.

This is not new.
Once again, global warming doesn't mean that every part of the Earth will warm evenly. That's why the term "global climate change" is much more accurate. It is the average temperature that is growing. Sure, some glaciers are likely to get bigger, due to increased precipitation. Overall, there are far fewer glaciers than there used to be.

That global climate change is happening and is here to stay is not a political view, but a scientific one. Denying that it is happening is simply ignoring fact, logic, and observation.
And a year ago, there was what appeared to be empirical proof to support that position. Something's going on that's actually a little frightening. These graphs (Goddard) show a very disturbing change:

These are anomaly maps that use colors to show the variations from the mean of the 1951 to 1980 period, for the month of January in each of the years represented (2005, 2007 and 2008). By and large, the accumulation of heat shows up on these maps. The chart on the lower right is a different kind--it shows the full integration and plots the totalized deviations from the mean. What's of note is the precipitous drop in the latter portion of 2007 through January of 2008. During this period, the global departure from the mean had been in the neighborhood of 0.7 degrees C.

Yes, there were warm areas and cold areas, there was "weather" but the overall temperature was warmer, can't be denied. However, for whatever reason, almost all of the excess heat has been lost in a very short amount of time. The concept of AGW assumes that the total enthalpy of the entire planet increases as energy is received and retained. We seem to be having a problem with retention at the moment.

And a year ago, there was what appeared to be empirical proof to support that position. Something's going on that's actually a little frightening. These graphs (Goddard) show a very disturbing change:

These are anomaly maps that use colors to show the variations from the mean of the 1951 to 1980 period, for the month of January in each of the years represented (2005, 2007 and 2008). By and large, the accumulation of heat shows up on these maps. The chart on the lower right is a different kind--it shows the full integration and plots the totalized deviations from the mean. What's of note is the precipitous drop in the latter portion of 2007 through January of 2008. During this period, the global departure from the mean had been in the neighborhood of 0.7 degrees C.

Yes, there were warm areas and cold areas, there was "weather" but the overall temperature was warmer, can't be denied. However, for whatever reason, almost all of the excess heat has been lost in a very short amount of time. The concept of AGW assumes that the total enthalpy of the entire planet increases as energy is received and retained. We seem to be having a problem with retention at the moment.


I'm not sure what I'm looking at on those graphs. Are you saying that global temperatures that have gradually been rising over the past decades suddenly returned to what they were years ago in just one month?

Such a finding should make news all over the world, if confirmed.

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