Gingrich brands Democrats 'party of food stamps'


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
MINNEAPOLIS – Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is advising Republican candidates on November's ballots to frame the choice for voters between Democrats as "the party of food stamps" while selling the GOP as "the party of paychecks."

With a month to go before the election, Gingrich brought his branding effort to Minnesota on Wednesday. He raised money for Republican gubernatorial nominee Tom Emmer and the state GOP during a private fundraiser.

He told reporters later that Republicans can campaign as the party of opportunity.

"Most Americans would like to get a paycheck," Gingrich said. "Most Americans would not like to be forced to have food stamps handed out by liberal Democrats."

Hes right though.

and Hillary DID know what a whore Bill is, and you libs still love both of them.... So what's your point?

Bill got a blow job, and you crucified him. Bush invaded a country and killed 100,000 people for no good reason (and not only blew a budget surplus, but completely trashed the economy), and you made him out a hero. What is it with conservatives and sex, anyway? Oh, yeah. Now I remember...:)
and Hillary DID know what a whore Bill is, and you libs still love both of them.... So what's your point?

actually I never liked him and never voted for him...hate to burst you bubble..but just because Newt is a royal ****** hypocrite...does not mean I like Clinton

But its nice that Newt wants to be the party of the people

against food stamps ( die poor die!)
against min wage ( you can live on 2 bucks a hour right?)
against expending unemployment for those trying ( many places 1 jobs open for every 8 plus looking) but thats ok they are lazy bums...
also no more unions ( they pay well, can't have that..end up like middle class or something)
and you made him out a hero. What is it with conservatives and sex, anyway? Oh, yeah. Now I remember

Lol. Did I? I don't remember making Bush out to be a hero for anything. But since you say so, I guess it's the liberal proof of truth.

As for conservatives and sex, yes, we are guilty of actually marrying "my baby daddy", "baby Daddy" actually sticks around to raise his kids not be gangbangers, etc., and doesn't just show up to collect his "baby mama's" welfare check.

Since you are "right" in summing up conservatives, then I am "right" about your ilk too. See how wonderful the truth is?
Lol. Did I? I don't remember making Bush out to be a hero for anything. But since you say so, I guess it's the liberal proof of truth.

As for conservatives and sex, yes, we are guilty of actually marrying "my baby daddy", "baby Daddy" actually sticks around to raise his kids not be gangbangers, etc., and doesn't just show up to collect his "baby mama's" welfare check.

Since you are "right" in summing up conservatives, then I am "right" about your ilk too. See how wonderful the truth is?

Erm, that woud be the "royal" you - as in the Republican party (mission accomplished, and all that!).

Yeah, conservatives like Newt Gingrich are such stand up role models for married couples everywhere. :rolleyes:

"Most Americans would not like to be forced to have food stamps handed out by liberal Democrats", but they didn't have much choice since Bush trashed the economy, leaving many homeless and unemployed.
FDR was an asshole! He signed the social security admin and the IRS into law. again Seniors just dont have a brain to vote. Change voting age between 21-65 and we would be living in a decent country without clowns and jesters in the senate and congress.