Gingrich- The poor Have "No Habits of Working


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Poor Children Have "No Habits of Working"

GOP hopeful Newt Gingrich defended his stance against certain child labor laws during a campaign stop in Iowa Thursday, saying that children born into poverty aren't accustomed to working unless it involves crime.

Really poor children, in really poor neighborhoods have no habits of working and have nobody around them who works so they have no habit of showing up on Monday," Gingrich claimed.

They have no habit of staying all day, they have no habit of I do this and you give me cash unless it is illegal," he added.

The former House Speaker's comments come weeks after he came under fire for saying laws preventing child labor in America were "truly stupid" and suggested that schools fire janitors and replace them with working class students

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Hes right you know,,, People living in ghettos have no intrest on working. They collect welfare,Food Stamps and public housing from HUD. Why now make Children clean bathrooms,,Toliets and floors in school? He does have a point though. Lay off Janitors and make Children learn a job it saves the states tax money.
the guy does have nads of titanium. the truth hurts though.

maybe we need a leader willing to acknowledge the truth to change the direction of our fair land....
Yep, he didn't add the obligatory "For some poor families this is true, for others it isn't" caveat. Careless of him. Now leftist drones will have two weeks of free "See? He actually meant it for every poor family! See?" before people get tired of listening to them again.
In the old days Children used to have to quit school to help support their familes. Now with liberal child labor laws Democrats add more to the problem,, CRIME!!!

This is how it used to be


Now because of stupid american liberal voters. This is what we have now

Funny how many poor people I know working 2-3 jobs and never home with there familys because they are workings so hard...

They should be working harder like a Hilton or a Cardashishion or know those hard working rich people.

If they have 2 or 3 jobs then they are not poor. At best they are 'working poor'.

Obviously his statement is a generalization with some truth to it. If he were a Democrat the media would be defending him by bending over backwards to rationalize the statement and make it out to sound great.

The statement has its flaws but it also holds some truth.
Funny how many poor people I know working 2-3 jobs and never home with there familys because they are workings so hard...

They should be working harder like a Hilton or a Cardashishion or know those hard working rich people.

Most rich people did get that way by working extremely hard. Until recently doctors routinely worked 120 hours per week while doing their internships for example.

Time and again we see that generally rich work hard and the poor not so much. well until they start working hard and then get rich or vice versa.
Funny how many poor people I know working 2-3 jobs and never home with there familys because they are workings so hard...

They should be working harder like a Hilton or a Cardashishion or know those hard working rich people.

There is so much delusional thinking in that post like nearly all your posts these days, that I am reluctant to address them. But, I shall endeavor to enlighten you once again.

As the doctor stated above, if one is working 2-3 jobs they are not poor. Working poor at the every least and likely middle class. If you listened to what fat Newt said, he referred to children of the poor who know no one who actually WORKS. So, you see what I mean by delusional? It is has been well documented that many poor children have no adults in their lives who work. But since you get all your news from MSLSD, you would not know this.

This tiresome and common refrain by radical lefties like yourself that the rich got rich by luck or stealing wealth from the lower classes, is so idiotic that I thought even you would not fall for it...but you did. How do you get rich stealing from people who have little wealth?

I find it disgusting the D Party, Obama, and the left media continually dump on the wealthy. This class warfare rhetoric is so harmful to the economic success of our country, but it sure works in deceiving many ignorant Americans..
More Liberal Double Standard

Thankful for our children on the farm
Children Working on the Farm
Posted on November 28, 2011 by Garrick Hall

The US Department of Labor is proposing to change the regulations regarding children working on farms. The new rules will ban children from dangerous activities such as working on a hay stack higher than six feet above the ground, using any power tool, or herding cattle with a horse. Under the new rules children would be required to complete at least 90 hours of classroom instructions before they could be hired to work on a farm. As you might imagine, as the father of six young farm children, this proposal concerns me. So I wrote these comments and submitted them the Department of Labor for their consideration.

I am concerned about the Department of Labor child labor rule, “Child Labor Regulations, Orders and Statements of Interpretation” (RIN 1235-AA06). I have been involved with agriculture all my life. As a young boy I helped my grandfather and my uncles on the family dairy farm doing everything from milking cows and feeding calves to hauling hay and helping in the fields. I count my experiences on the farm as a great blessing in my life. The lessons I learned helped form me into the man I have become. Had these proposed new rules been in effect when I was a boy, my helping on the farm would have been against the law. One of the great memories I have of growing up on the farm is each fall filling the old hay loft with approximately 2000 bales of straw. This was a hot dusty job that was performed well above the six foot high limit proposed by the new rules.

Today I have chosen to raise my six children on a small family farm, this farm happens to be incorporated. Not only do I have my children help on the farm, I have many neighbors who practically beg me to give their children a job and the opportunity to learn to work too. The proposed changes would prevent me from allowing children to work on my farm, and rob them of the valuable lessons that they could learn.

Everytime Liberals get involved in something postive it turns out negitive. At least Newt Gingrich is right. For you liberals dont understand the meaning of work.
