Well-Known Member
What exactly is this thread about if its not disaproval of her stumping for a
3d party person rathar than the Republican? I think that is in the title.
You think everything is hysteria, I assume because you are in a constant state of it.
I would offer you proof gladly but I dont want to. When ever you have been asked for proof you have said really mean nasty sick twisted personal attacks to anyone asking, so I will let you google Rush, Hannity, Beck and the rest all on your own and you can read how they also and actually long before her have been stumping for the 3d party person.
I posted the article and then I made this statement: See even fair Sarah Palin has left the Republican what are they gonna do...OH, WHOA IS ME...those Republicans are going to just become unraveled...hysteria will be ramped...ALL IS LOST!!!
BTW...don't forget to order you 'free' Sarah Palin book, they still have thousands upon thousand available. LMAO
And you managed to complete the entire sequence of events just as I predicted...

You are sooooo LAME...HYSTERICAL...yet, really, really LAME at the same time. Couldn't have played out any better had I told you what to say...ROTFLMAO