From outside the USA

I am sorry but I really do have the hardest time reading your posts. There are to many colors and font sizes I got the first couple of lines but I couldn't read the whole thing.
I'll try harder to limit my text to 4-to-5-letters-per-word, in the future. :rolleyes:
I think they would figure it out real quick, its better to gas us, there are to many who dont think its right to steal from some groups to give to others.
I think I speak for most Progressives, when I say....we're all amazed (and, quite impressed) with the resurgence of "conservatives'" Martyr Complex, every time they gets their butts whupped, in any political-contest.

Do you think (any-and-all) Sympathy-Votes will work for Sarah Quayle-Palin, in the future, as well??
It really is none of your concern how Americans treat their president. I will personally treat the incoming president with all of the respect that the freaked out left treated the current President.

Bush lost the respect of the American people on his own. If you remember right after 9/11, he had an approval rating bordering 90%, but instead of using that to bring the country together Bush decided to invade Iraq.
I think I speak for most Progressives, when I say....we're all amazed (and, quite impressed) with the resurgence of "conservatives'" Martyr Complex, every time they gets their butts whupped, in any political-contest.

Do you think (any-and-all) Sympathy-Votes will work for Sarah Quayle-Palin, in the future, as well??

I can read this perfectly, thank you very much!

I dont know about Sarah Palin, I think it depends on how that left half of Alaska treats her for the next few years. If they spend all their time trying to cut her throat, she may be so damaged by 2012 she cant run.

I am not even sure what I think our Country will look like in 2012. It may be to late by then to do anything. folks, from Bizarro Bushworld, surely have shown US!!!



I am not sure what you mean by that but I think it is perfectly reasonable to not consider anyones comments as valuable when they wont even say what country they are from, shadow and dorkinfart refuse to say where they are but are happy to bash us.

I am not going to take that serious. you can if you want to though :)
Bush lost the respect of the American people on his own. If you remember right after 9/11, he had an approval rating bordering 90%, but instead of using that to bring the country together Bush decided to invade Iraq.

the day he took office in 2001 the left treated him like crap. they did stop once 911 happened then a month or so later they started up again.

he won in 2004 in a fair election and the left never stopped.

its ok with me, your country too. But now its my turn

In my whole life I have never been disrespectful to a sitting president. I never voted for Clinton and I never hated him, I never bashed him. In Fact I defended him.

When Bush won in 2000 I was not happy about it. I did not like him at all, the closest to bashing a president I ever came was Bush. On 911 I was at work and had no access to a TV, just radio. The news reporter said that Sadam Husein said the cowboy got what he deserved and the group I was with and myself included laughed at our stupid president and what he got us into. I changed tunes quickly when we walked into the break room at 9 and saw the towers fell and the damage. I did not picture it so badly in my mind from what the radio said. At that point I stopped my laughing at him. I have not liked everything Bush has done but he was and is our sitting president.

But now I give up. I do not want to rise above it all and play nice with the incoming *****. I am tired of showing respect to those who will not show respect back so I have no intention of giving this incoming idiot any respect. I will instead find every thing he does that is the same as what Bush did and the left was mad about and point it out. His press conference was the first of many :) and one more thing. I WANT A DATE FOR WITHDRAW FROM AFGANASTAN. I want an exist plan before he sends more troops in. If this man wants to make this war in Afganastan bigger I want a plan just like the leftys insisted that Bush had.
I am not even sure what I think our Country will look like in 2012. It may be to late by then to do anything.
Not to worry. Once, again......Progressives will have to take-on the gargantuan-task of dragging our collective-@sses outta the ("conservative"-lit) fire.

"The rap against the United States is well known by now: Over the past eight years, we have embraced a reckless unilateral posture of action over analysis, discarding the "good process" of prudent, evidence-based policy debate in favor of the Nike Doctrine -- just do it, and clean up the mess later. :rolleyes:

But seven years later, glorious victories, from Iraq to Afghanistan, have been slow in coming. Secret prisons, torture, putting U.S. citizens and foreigners under surveillance -- or sending armies into civilian populations to tease out friend from foe at the muzzle of a gun -- don't work very well. That's why, over the centuries, they've been discarded one by one.

But what happens next? If ever there were a president who could credibly claim to signify a clean break from his predecessor, that commander in chief is Obama. But the United States also needs a plan that shows that what's coming won't be business as usual.

But that's just the half of it. Much of this Herculean effort -- which will run Obama into the strongest collected interests and lobbies in Washington -- is simply to set the platform for the slow, humbling restoration of moral authority. That's as much about what we do here in the United States -- how we, again, begin to lead by example -- as it is about our actions overseas.

During the presidential campaign, I interviewed a London radical with suspected connections to al-Qaeda. He was particularly concerned about how Obama might be the agent of such change. "Obama would be a nightmare for us," he said. "He looks like the world, he knows Islam, his grandfather was a goat herder from Kenya, living like much of the world still lives. As president, he might finally unify the world's Muslim moderates, who outnumber us four or five to one. They know who we are, where we live. They could crush us."

You "conservatives" will be able to THANK the Democratic Party, later. The only accolades we need will be a return to the successful country we were, in The '90s!!!!
I am not sure what you mean by that......
<groan> There's that short-term-issue, again...... :rolleyes:

He who lives in unnamed lands should not be telling others how to live :)

.....But, you Bizarro-Bushworld-fans do have the intelligence & Divine Right TO tell others how-to-live??

Yeah.....that's really worked-out-well (for you), over the last 8 years!

the day he took office in 2001 the left treated him like crap. they did stop once 911 happened then a month or so later they started up again.

he won in 2004 in a fair election and the left never stopped.
Gee.....what were we thinkin'?? :rolleyes:

"Bush is so bereft of self-esteem (much of it derived from his upbringing, by constant humiliation by his parents, by a string of personal and business failures, by his inability to admit error and tell the truth), that he can't help himself from over-compensating by displaying a persona of cockiness and belligerent authority. In short, the bully syndrome: deficient on the inside, aggressive on the outside. Bush, let us remember, delighted in blowing up frogs with explosives as a child."

You "conservatives" really should more-carefully-pick your Dictators, in the Future.​