Yes I am worried about the inevitable but that is an American issue. You are a person who wont even say where you come from, all you want to do is come to a form to bash our country and wont even say what country you are from. It has to be a pretty bad place... and I dont think you will be happy til you drag our country down to your level.
I've (
more-than-a-couple-times) ID'd myself as being a resident of Northern-Central if that matters.
dragging this Country down, I'd say "conservatives" have (always) done this, themselves.
I was 18-years-old, in '68. People always ask why we were so pissed-off, during those years. That's simple.
Most of the
Absolutes (with which we were brought-up) turned-out to be
We were always told....
"We're ALL equal, in God's eyes! NO One is better than anyone ELSE!" Eventually, we figured-out....thru personal-experiences...that those
Absolutes were pretty-much restricted to White-people & White-institutions (i.e. schools, politics, application-of-
The Law, etc.).
After watching
The Civil Rights Movement, we'd figured it was
OUR turn.....our
step-up-to-the-plate!! It didn't hurt that those (several-year) older-than-us gave us Jim Morrison....when he sang
"They've got the guns, but....we've got THE NUMBERS!"
The WWII-Gen might have been
The Greatest Generation, regarding our
standing-in-The-World, when it came to
defending Democracy....primarily for
The Status Quo, didn't have the
balls to take-on the institutions that
corrupted this country.
We figured....a
little consistancy wasn't gonna kill anyone.
It almost seemd like
they were using Vietnam to
level (their)
playing-field, here-at-home.....especially when it came to those folks who were the
wrong-color.....and, couldn't afford college....or
entry into
The Champagne Division of the
Texas National Guard.