Well-Known Member
Here Here!! That sounds like a great idea. That is how it is in business. The owners have the say so because they take the risks, they bear the burden.
Why should it be different in the political arean? Those who don't pay anything aren't taking risks, they are just collecting from those that work hard and make things happen.
It should not be that way because it is just not an accurate portrayal of how things are. Yes, the taxpayers are the ones who's money is being used correctly or incorrectly. But income tax and property tax are not the only taxes. There are also sales taxes and anyone who buys anything or has anything is paying taxes. Also the role of legislators is not limited to making laws about how to spend money. They also make laws about the rights and duties of every citizen in the country regardless of how much or how little they pay in taxes. A law that says you can or cannot abuse your children needs to apply to all even if they are not paying taxes. And if one is to be under the control of the law then one should have a say in how it is made.
But fairness is a simple concept for all to understand except liberals when they want progressive taxes and apparently conservatives when they are fed up with the abuses of taxation. Fairness demands that everyone have just one vote, no more and no less, that everyone get to talk to their representatives and be heard with equal weight, that everyone pay an equal percent of their income taxes or an equal percent of the tax on their purchases, and that everyone gets an equal opportunity to benefit from the fruits of civilization. It also demands that the gov cannot raise or lower ones income tax because one has or has not paid more in sales tax, or because one has or has not voted, because one has or has not benefited from the fruits of civilization. Each of the items listed in that bolded sentence is independent of the others and it is unfair to change one based on the results of another.
If we find that one person is voting more than another the solution is not to raise their taxes but to prosecute them. If we find that one person is being heard more than another by their representative the solution is to censure the representative not to raise taxes on the citizen. If we find that one person is paying a higher rate than another in income taxes the solution is to adjust the rates so they are fair not to make them less fair, if we find that one person is benefiting more from the fruits of society than another through some injustice then the solution is to correct the injustice not to create a second wrong (progressive taxes) in a lame attempt to adjust for the first one.