I'm more into just not allowing anyone who doesn't have an invested interest in the US, to vote. If you don't run a business or have property in the US, or serve the US in military service, then I don't think you should be able to vote.
Although I get the idea that only those who pay taxes should be voting on what happens to those tax dollars.
But as long as people who don't have anything to lose, people with no property, no business that can fail, are able to vote for people who will steal stuff from others and give it to them, regardless of if they pay taxes, it will merely be for the first politician to promise them something.
Even if they know the policies they support will have drastic negative consequences, they don't care, they have nothing to lose.
The other problem is, I think everyone pays taxes. There is not one person who does not pay taxes, and taxes on taxes, and some more taxes on that. We have so many taxes, we don't even know what taxes we pay.
For example, even IF we have deductions on our 'income tax', we still pay FICO, and that's nothing more than a tax. Your social security tax goes straight to the general budget and is spent. You pay medicare and medicaid. Even then, your not done. You pay $1 of tax on every gallon of gas you buy. Then, on the remaining $2.50, part of that cost is transportation, which has an environmental fee, that is passed right on to you. Then of the remaining $2.00, the company that made the gas has a massive capital gains tax, that is passed right on it you. Then you have imported oil tariffs, that are passed right on to you.
That's just gasoline! No one knows that the US has had sugar subsidies that artificially inflates the cost of sugar. That's the reason half the industry uses high fructose corn syrup instead of sugar. If not for the government inflated price, corn syrup would be more expensive. Who pays this indirect "tax"? All of us do! With higher costing food that uses, or would use sugar!
Or how about this one... there is a 3% federal excise tax on phones. It's a temporary tax on phone service, both land line, and cell phone, that is to pay for the war! Yeah... the war... the Spanish-American war. That's right, in 1898, Teddy Roosevelt enacted a "Temporary" "Luxury" tax on telephones, because "only the rich can afford phones". For the last 107+ years, our benevolent congress has vote each and every year, to continue the temporary tax to pay for the Spanish-American war.
Point being, we are paying so many taxes, we don't even know what taxes we pay. Every tax on the rich, is passed onto us when they raise their incomes, causing stagnate wages. Every capital gains tax is passed onto us by reduced benefits or reduction in new jobs. Every minimum wage increase is passed onto us by higher inflation as the cost of producing goods increases.
Liberalism is just so.... stupid.