Well-Known Member

He wouldn't have a rational discussion with a woman holding a picture of Obama with a Hitler Mustache, and accusing him of supporting "Nazi policy"? He actually said that having a conversation with her would be like trying to argue with a dining room table?
Gosh, how condescending can you be? Why, I'd think he'd be happy to have a rational conversation with such a person, were rationality a remote possibility.
Did you cheer when Bush told you that in regards to numerous issues?
IF Bush had said it to POS, he would have been just more the evil-idiot they continually paint him as.
Me, however, would have definitely stood up and cheered if he'd said that to POS. That is, after I picked myself up off the floor where I'd fallen from laughing so hard...
I dont think I ever heard him do that.
but maybe you think a civil talk with that Obama is Hitler person would have been better? why? and had you seen me posting back under bush you would know that when bush was actually correct ( rare but happened) I had no problem stating it and supporting it.
The Surge ring a bell? Against popular opinion and against a very vocal democratic party, President Bush opted to take the unpopular route and send in more soldiers, thereby giving the proverbial finger to the Left.
I do not think that the person stating Obama is Hitler deserved to have a civil conversation, however I find it somewhat bogus that an elected official treats those he is supposed to represent with such contempt.
I would think there are better ways to tell the person that they are an idiot.
The Surge ring a bell? Against popular opinion and against a very vocal democratic party, President Bush opted to take the unpopular route and send in more soldiers, thereby giving the proverbial finger to the Left.
I do not think that the person stating Obama is Hitler deserved to have a civil conversation, however I find it somewhat bogus that an elected official treats those he is supposed to represent with such contempt.
I would think there are better ways to tell the person that they are an idiot.
The Surge ring a bell? Against popular opinion and against a very vocal democratic party, President Bush opted to take the unpopular route and send in more soldiers, thereby giving the proverbial finger to the Left.
I do not think that the person stating Obama is Hitler deserved to have a civil conversation, however I find it somewhat bogus that an elected official treats those he is supposed to represent with such contempt.
I would think there are better ways to tell the person that they are an idiot.
I agree, but those would be called uncalled for by many.....These retards and Birthers need to be put in there place...on the sidelines.
ahhh you mean the surge that I supported and called for before Bush ?
Yes, and now Obama is doing the same in Afganistan, but that issue is being drowned out by the health care "debate."
There is no good way to tell an idiot that they are an idiot. What Frank did was as good of a way as any.
Now, as Pandora has so amply shown, it is not just the right wing nutjobs who play the "Hitler" card. The left wing nut jobs do the same thing. The The issue is, they're all nutjobs, right or left.
Isn't there some principle that any argument degenerates to Hitler accusations, and that said accusation proves that the accuser has lost the debate? Someone's principle? Help me out, I can't remember the name.
Well, I am certainly not talking about the Surge that President Obama opposed and said would fail.![]()