Fox News producer: restrictions on Palin "unprecedented"

Now THAT is funny! :p

You know Palin does do her hair just like the old style barbie dolls we used to play with.


"Comes complete with toy long-range automatic rifle and infrared scope, how-to instructions on foreign policy and one of those little phones with a red button on it. Hurry now and we'll include POW McCain dressed in oil-stained Vietnam era fatigues. (POW McCain's head is removable and replaceable with an exact replica of Dubya's)"

"Act now!" (to coin the pleas of the GOP on the rush to push through the economic gravy-bailout)

AND for the first 100 people who call, Obama DUMBO, the skinny elephant with the huge ears, and a body as skinny as his resume! :D
FOX News, that's right Faux News, Producer Shushannah Walshe took the McCain campaign to task for denying access to reporters who wanted to witness Caribou Barbie's U.N. photo ops earlier today.

This was all because earlier today the press was informed that reporters would be banned from covering her meeting today in New York with world leaders only photographers and a TV crew were to be allowed in. The move appeared designed to ensure that Palin, who has faced only two interviews since becoming the GOP VP candidate (well, only one real one, the other was with Hannity), would face no questions.

CNN decided to yank its crew in protest, the AP also apparently objected, as did other networks. Not wanting to miss this opportunity for Palin's meetings with these "world leaders" (Henry Kissinger and Colombian President Alvaro Uribe) to be shown, the McCain campaign then relented and allowed access for all of 29 seconds.

Palin is not a dumb woman, she wouldn't have gotten as far as she has if she was. However, she is obviously very very weak when it comes to her knowledge of foreign affairs and the McCain campaign's lame attempt to cover that weakness has just further exposed it, as this has became a major news story today.