Sarah Palin's book leaps to #1 two days after release date is announced

yeah everyone has a limit of what they can take and I have taken far too much of your crap

but that does not change the fact that you are one twisted sister who needs to get back on her meds or get new meds or something
I ASKED: And while you seem so 'anally' distracted by the current Presidents use of more then 1 teleprompter...are you so mindlessly confused as to ASSume that G.W.B. never used a teleprompter...that his genius was so great that he memorized each and every speech :rolleyes:
I don't even think that you are 'THAT' gullible/naive/stupid and I am your worst critique...LMAO

I'll keep asking...maybe you'll learn to answer a direct question ;)
Once you learn to start taking your medication and treat people like humans I will get right to answering your questions

Just so telling...if Rush Limbaugh/Glen Beck/Gen Seneca aren't around to provide you with the 'mental fortitude' to enable or provide/formulate an adequate answer, you cut & run ;)

But you do have that high-pitched WHINE done pat and you do it so well :D
Just so telling...if Rush Limbaugh/Glen Beck/Gen Seneca aren't around to provide you with the 'mental fortitude' to enable or provide/formulate an adequate answer, you cut & run ;)

But you do have that high-pitched WHINE done pat and you do it so well :D

While I like that you put Gen in the same group as Beck and Rush that is not why.

I am sick of your crap. I have watched you treat too many people here like crap and I am tired of it.

You are a sick twisted witch with serious mental problems. Even reading your posts anymore literallly make me sick except in rare cases where you apparently took medication. There are actually a small number of posts where you seem very normal, but those posts are seldom. Mostly you are personally attacking people who disagree with you in very crude ways or licking the boots of those who you agree with.

You go for a week of at least leaving me alone then you drop off the meds or something and start personally attacking me in every post you can find, and I am just tired of it.

So kiss off you sick twisted freak from hell.
I dont want to put any limits on your infinity here, but I think it is pretty clear that liberalism has become more poppular conservatism. Being a vocal minority does indicate much of anything besides being loud.

Lets look at FACTS THAT MATTER... elections. Democrats took the elections in 2006. In 2008 another Democrat won, but just as importantly, the GOP couldnt even nominate a conservative for the general election. Then they prop up Sarah Palin as being conservative. When the only ways she has shown to be conservative are gun control and abortion.

It is very clear through her past actions that she is a RINO at best.
I will be reading the book though, as I am sure plenty of other lefties will be as well.
....Maybe the lefties who're still into Mad Magazine.

Don't be too sure o' yourself.

You "conservatives'" track-record (of being sure), since 2000, is nothin' to write-home-about.

While I like that you put Gen in the same group as Beck and Rush that is not why.

I am sick of your crap. I have watched you treat too many people here like crap and I am tired of it.

You are a sick twisted witch with serious mental problems. Even reading your posts anymore literallly make me sick except in rare cases where you apparently took medication. There are actually a small number of posts where you seem very normal, but those posts are seldom. Mostly you are personally attacking people who disagree with you in very crude ways or licking the boots of those who you agree with.

You go for a week of at least leaving me alone then you drop off the meds or something and start personally attacking me in every post you can find, and I am just tired of it.

So kiss off you sick twisted freak from hell.

Yep, you've proven my point about your hysteria driven style of thought are unable to formulate a honest/thoughtful response to most questions and especially about your overwrought sense of 'HATE' for our current milk toast any reply about your feelings in regard to 'fair Sarah and G.W.B.'.

If posting on a highly volatile political forum causes you such an emotional crisis {where upon you make constant reference to MEDS is always at the forefront} maybe it would behoove you to STOP posting :rolleyes:

Leaving you and your asinine posts alone will never be an option...especially when you become so deranged when you are asked the hard questions and you duck & dodge and squeal like a stuck pig and never reply on topic!!! ;)

Yes, you are irrelevant and quite the emotional wreck and quite amusing too...but if you don't want to be treated like an 'A$$' THEN DO NOT BEHAVE THAT WAY...because if you able to comprehend the places that we had an 'ADULT' behaved like an adult and the conversation carried forth in that manner!!! {heavy sigh} dealing with the immaturity that you spew is a struggle but I haven't give up thinking that you are quite able to LEARN!!! ;)
yeah everyone has a limit of what they can take and I have taken far too much of your crap
Gee....playin' the Big, Bad, "conservative"-Bully ain't workin'-out-for-you, huh??

Not to worry.

If Lil' Dumbya & John Wayne were as bad as they put-on, they wouldn't have RUN, from combat, like they did; in their respective-Wars.

I guess it's genetic. "conservatives" seem to (typically) be born-cowards.​
While I like that you put Gen in the same group as Beck and Rush that is not why.

I am sick of your crap. I have watched you treat too many people here like crap and I am tired of it.

You are a sick twisted witch with serious mental problems. Even reading your posts anymore literallly make me sick except in rare cases where you apparently took medication. There are actually a small number of posts where you seem very normal, but those posts are seldom. Mostly you are personally attacking people who disagree with you in very crude ways or licking the boots of those who you agree with.
.....Kinda' like those Town Hall meetings, huh?

I wonder if Sarah is down with this project:

Conservative Bible Project - Conservapedia
Thus, a project has begun among members of Conservapedia to translate the Bible in accordance with these principles. The translated Bible can be found here. ...

As I'm posting this, the website is down for servicing, but I read it last evening and it's great. Conservatives think the Bible is too liberal and are rewriting it to better reflect their conservative values. They seem to feel that liberals have been "liberalizing" the Bible for hundreds of years and that they need to bring it back to its orginal meanings. I wonder if they'll take out the section that says it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven? There are nearly two thousand references to caring for the sick, unfortunate, poor, elderly, and infirm in the Bible, do you suppose all of those were just added by liberals down through the years? Yeah, probably...

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