Former Congressman William Jefferson (D-LA) found guilty


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2009
San Diego, CA
Well, knock me over with a feather.

When I heard he was found with $90,000 in small, unmarked bills in his refrigerator, I was sure he was innocent. The Democrats told me over and over, that he was. Would they lie?

I'm shocked, shocked.


William Jefferson verdict: Guilty on 11 of 16 counts

by Jonathan Tilove and Bruce Alpert, The Times-Picayune
Wednesday August 05, 2009, 4:28 PM


Former Rep. William Jefferson convicted today.ALEXANDRIA, VA. - Former Democratic Congressman William Jefferson was found guilty of 11 of 16 corruption charges today by a federal jury. The jury of eight women and four men returned a guilty verdict following five days of deliberation.


In the 16-count indictment, Jefferson was charged with soliciting bribes and other crimes for a series of schemes in which he helped American businesses broker deals in West African in exchange for payments or financial considerations to companies controlled by members of his family, including his brother Mose, his wife, Andrea, their five daughters and a son-in-law.

Jefferson, 62, who represented the New Orleans-based 2nd Congressional District for nine terms, will now face sentencing by Judge T.S. Ellis III, who earlier meted out stiff sentences for lesser figures in the case. According to the U.S. attorney's office, Jefferson faced 235 years in prison if convicted on all counts, and will still face substantial prison time.

The verdict comes four years after the Aug. 3, 2005 raids of Jefferson's homes in New Orleans and Washington, D.C., in which the FBI found $90,000 in cash hidden in the freezer of his D.C. home, money the government said Jefferson was going to deliver as a bribe to Atiku Abubakar, then vice president of Nigeria, to gain his help with a telecommunications deal in Nigeria being pursued by Lori Mody, a Northern Virginia businesswoman.

The money was the lion's share of $100,000 in FBI cash that the congressman was videotaped receiving packed in a briefcase days earlier in a suburban Virginia parking lot from Mody, who, beginning in March of 2005, had become a cooperating witness for the FBI, secretly taping her conversations with Jefferson.
Why did it take so long to charge him?

The brother was guilty all along but let's see if he gets any time.
Why did it take so long to charge him?

The brother was guilty all along but let's see if he gets any time.

because we have this thing called a legal know its this funny thing that even people who clearly seem guilt have the right to a trial and all that...and even to pay people look at the law to make sure they broke the law, and the law was followed to jail them...I know its freaking crazy...and even Democrats are able to use it!
Its good to see him gone, I hope he enjoys a nice punishment. maybe while in jail he will get raped by a family values republican...a male know how they like the men!

( what I can't still have fun and cheap shot some republicans while bashing this A hole?)

Thats horrible!

NO one should get raped, its a horrible experience

He should just be in trouble and pay his fine or do is jail time
Why do you think the DIRTY DUMBACRATS hate DOGE so much? These dirty fools are pocketing your tax $$$ every chance they get. You can't run from DOGE! DOGE GON GITCHA!