Well-Known Member
You may recall not too long ago, when Nancy Pelosi anounced that she had seen TEA Party demonstrations where the protesters were "carrying swastikas" and otherwise trying to liken their targets to Nazis. It's one of the worst things you can say about protestors, apparently: that they were accusing others of being Nazis. Reporters trying to find those swastika-carriers kept coming up empty - there were no TEA party people carrying any such repellent symbols to be found. But Pelosi's remarks got wide press anyway, and Democrats and her other drones repeated them ad infinitum.
Well, it turns out that Nancy Pelosi wasn't wrong. She was just a few years early. Finally, yesterday, we have actual photographic proof of anti-government demonstrators comparing their targets to Hitler (also Stalin and other model citizens), carrying pictures of them with little Hitler mustaches drawn in with Magic Markers, showing posters with rifle crosshairs centered on the politicians' foreheads, etc.
Just one problem: The protesters aren't TEA party people. And they aren't protesting against Pelosi's Democrats. IN fact, the protesters are Democrats themselves, and SEIU union thugs bussed in from various locations around the country, to Madison Wisconsin, where they are protesting against Republican politicians. And what are those Republican politicians doing? Exactly what they promised they would do when they ran for election: Cutting government spending, curbing the huge pensions that govt-employee unions have been extorting from taxpayers (while leaving the unions ability to negotiate wages fully in place), and trying to get those employees to pay a small portion (equal to the national average, in fact) of their medical-insurance premiums.
So, now that Nancy Pelosi's descriptions of swastika-carrying protestors are finally accurate, when can we expect to see her taking the microphone and getting in front of the cameras, albeit belatedly, and excoriating those protestors who are finally doing exactly what she complained against, and said was so terrible?
Well, it turns out that Nancy Pelosi wasn't wrong. She was just a few years early. Finally, yesterday, we have actual photographic proof of anti-government demonstrators comparing their targets to Hitler (also Stalin and other model citizens), carrying pictures of them with little Hitler mustaches drawn in with Magic Markers, showing posters with rifle crosshairs centered on the politicians' foreheads, etc.
Just one problem: The protesters aren't TEA party people. And they aren't protesting against Pelosi's Democrats. IN fact, the protesters are Democrats themselves, and SEIU union thugs bussed in from various locations around the country, to Madison Wisconsin, where they are protesting against Republican politicians. And what are those Republican politicians doing? Exactly what they promised they would do when they ran for election: Cutting government spending, curbing the huge pensions that govt-employee unions have been extorting from taxpayers (while leaving the unions ability to negotiate wages fully in place), and trying to get those employees to pay a small portion (equal to the national average, in fact) of their medical-insurance premiums.
So, now that Nancy Pelosi's descriptions of swastika-carrying protestors are finally accurate, when can we expect to see her taking the microphone and getting in front of the cameras, albeit belatedly, and excoriating those protestors who are finally doing exactly what she complained against, and said was so terrible?